lost my mind

542 31 57

"I got the keys! Move!" Beomgyu rushed to the bars with the bundle of keys in his hand.

Kai struggled against the chains, another wave of nausea overcame him and this time he had to choke down a gag, not able to breathe right he felt his stomach churning, begging for him to throw up.

"Which ones are they?!" Taehyun yelled frantically when every key Beomgyu tried wouldn't open the cage.

"If I'd knew do you think I would try them all?!" Beomgyu yelled back, fumbling with the amount of keys in his hand.

"Come on... come on" Beomgyu hissed under his breath.

"Hyung.." Taehyun cried.

"I'm trying Hyunnie, I'm trying!" Beomgyu felt this close to losing it when a sudden pop sound was heard. "Thank god" Beomgyu exhaled a shakey breath in relief, yanking the door open.

Taehyun got in as fast as he could, ripping off the cloth around Kai's lips.

Taehyun expected a lot of things. Kai projectile vomiting was not one of them.

The younger gagged as soon as the tight cloth came out, emptying the entirety of his stomach contents onto Taehyun lap.

The violent vomiting continued for about a minute until all Kai could throw up was bile, blood and stomach fluids.

"Oh my God.. Kai..." Taehyun looked down at the mess, the rotten smell spreaded across the van. "Hyung, hurry, open the cuffs" Taehyun said as he took off the blindfold.

"Kai-ah... look at me please.." Taehyun begged yet the younger's eyes remained close, his head falling back down again.

"Taehyun I can't, I can't find the key. The lock is much smaller, there must be another set of keys outside"

Taehyun could scream out of pure frustration right then and there. What type of shit luck did they have to make them go through this hell?

Beomgyu ran outside, searching for the keys on the men's lifeless bodies.
Only to find an identically fucked up situation.

Soobin sat, black leaning against the big wheels of the van. Aided by Yeonjun, who was pressing on a certain blood stained spot on Soobin's shirt.

"Hyung!" Beomgyu ran to them, horrified by the blood continuing to spread through the thin fabric.

"It's okay Beomie" Soobin smiled at him. "It's just a s-small scratch... you should see the other guys" he joked, trying to distract both Yeonjun and Beomgyu from the fact that he was injured.

"Hyung... "

"I'm really okay Beomie, it's better than it looks.... go help Kai. He needs it more than me"

"But-" Beomgyu protested.

"Beom-ah..." Yeonjun cut him off "it's okay, go help Kai" he said in a tone that Beomgyu knew wasn't arguable.

"Soobin-ah" Yeonjun said softly when Beomgyu left to find to other set of keys.

"Hyung..." Soobin retaliated "my Junnie Hyung" He smiled, flashing his dimples at the older who was still pressing on his wound.

"Why did you do that?" Yeonjun asked.

Soobin slightly frowned at his Hyung's sad tone.

"Why wouldn't I? I'm your backup" he chuckled. Recalling the first time he and Yeonjun met. Looking back, taking that bullet for Yeonjun 6 years ago was the best decision he ever made.

"You're insane..." Yeonjun stated the obvious.

"I'm not insane, just madly in love"


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