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"Blue..." the faint voice said.

Taehyun opened his eyes.


"My f-favorite color.."

Kai-ah..?" Taehyun decided to use the time to get to know the younger better.

Kai hummed in response, fighting the urge to close his eyes. The older smelled of strawberries and mint.

"What's your favorite color?" Taehyun landed on a simple question.

Kai remained unresponsive.

"Mine is purple, because Soobin's hair was purple when he found me."

Taehyun smiled from behind the door. "Really? It's a really pretty color..." like you...

Kai's hand gripped on the glass, closing his eyes. The cut in his throat dripping crimson on his clothes.

"Why do you love it?" Taehyun's honey voice came through the door.

Kai breathed deeply, his chest ached from hyperventilating so much.

"Is it okay.. to n-not have a r-reason?" His tongue pushed against his aching fang, trying to relieve the pain.

Taehyun smiled warmly "you know? I read somewhere, that if you love something and you don't have a coherent reason why... it means that your love is genuine"

Kai listend intently, Taehyun's sweet voice drawing him in, not noticing his grasp on the shard relaxed, he threw his head back, letting the glass fall back on the ground.

"It's pretty.."

"It is..isn't it?....kai-ah..?"


"What's your dream?" Taehyun asked while he trailed the wooden strips on the door with his finger tips.


"Lower your head, how dare you disrespect me like that"

"Disrespect you..? You're the one to talk about disrespect?"

"001! Watch your mouth!" He pressed the end of the electric stick to the boy's chest through the bars "You better learn your fucking place in this facility"

"Or what..?" The boy laughed, not noticing the tears staining his blindfold "You're going to kill me? Do it then.. kill me!"

"You.. you have quite an attitude kid, don't you?" The boss grinned

This will be fun...

"Take off the blindfold" the boy spat "take it off!" He thrashed in his cage "TAKE IT OFF" he screamed, rage spreading in his body. Not being able to use his precious powers hurt him more than anything, it felt like someone had cut one of his limbs.

"What should we do with him boss?" The guard approached the cage, examining their new subject.

"Do whatever it takes to break him down, make him obedient, make him scared... I don't want him to talk back, I don't want him to do anything as far as even going to the bathroom without begging for permission do you understand?"

"Sir, he's just a kid though.." another guard voiced, he took a glance at the cage, the boy looked no older than 10 years old.

"I don't care what you have to do, crush him for all I care, that attitude needs to go." The boss said, taking one last look at his newly acquired animal. "I want him deprived of everything, until he learns he's nothing but a property of this facility"

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