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"Kai-ah..." Someone nudged his shoulder lightly "wake up.."

He lifted his head, still in a daze from his nightmare filled nap.

"Hey.. why are you crying?" Yeonjun asked, worried as he saw the trail of dried tears on the younger's face who was silently crying in his sleep.

Taehyun did the unexpected and cupped the younger's cheek, making kai look straight into his eyes. Taehyun tried to be as gentle as possible and Kai melted into his touch.

"Are you worried about something? Are you still tired?..." he tried figuring out why the younger's holding his tears.

Kai shook his head, finally letting his tears out. "Don't hurt me.." he sobbed softly.

Soobin watched the scene reluctantly, mad at himself for feeling a little worried for Kai.

"Why would we hurt you..?" Yeonjun asked and gave him a warm smile. "I know it's hard to trust us but we will build that trust slowly okay, whenever you're ready."

Soobin held the chocolate pack in his hands, debating whether or not to make contact with the younger.

"" he said awkwardly while handing Kai the chocolate "I didn't know which one you liked so I just bought a mix..." he shoved the pack into the younger's hand without waiting for an answer.

Kai rubbed his eyes trying to clear the tears away, still sniffling from his cries. He took the chocolate bar in his hand, looking at Yeonjun for confirmation. Yeonjun in response sent him an encouraging look and waited for the younger to open the snack.

Kai nibbled on it, still unsure of whether he's allowed to do so.

The sweet, rich taste spead in his mouth making his eyes enlarge to twice their size.

He almost squealed at the flavor, it was even better than what he dreamed of at the facility. Whenever his stomach pained from hunger, he would think of the chocolate cake he got when he was six. trying to remember the sweet taste of it, wondering if he'd ever get to eat chocolate again.

"Is it good?" Soobin smiled at the younger's absurd reaction. Seeing Kai enjoy his snack made him feel proud.

Kai looked at him in confusion, surprised that at the older's Change of attitude. Soobin noticed it too and erased the smile off his face. he shouldn't warm up to the younger, he knows better than that.

"It's sweet..." the younger whispered, taking bigger bites.

"Whatever." Soobin said, still surprised at his sudden change. Why did the younger look so adorable right now?

"Soobin and I will go roaming the town for a place to stay." Yeonjun informed the group "we never rent, we just find abounded places to stay at." Yeonjun turned to Kai now.
"I'm sure you already picked up on it but we're not exactly welcomed in the normal society " Yeonjun laughed dryly "but don't worry, we can handle ourselves." he reassured the younger.

"We'll stay here with you while Hyungs are gone okay?" Beomgyu smiled to Kai, knowing that their way of living isn't ideal, it might be overwhelming for him.


"This.... kinda works, I guess." Yeonjun opened the squeaking door, his face wincing at the unpleasant noise.

"Hyung, this place is practically falling apart." Soobin pulled on the handle, accidentally breaking it out of place. He looked at his fingers, now stained with a metallic brown color " and I'm pretty sure I just touched spoiled rust." his face showed disgust and discomfort.

"Yeah... this is not the vibe." Yeonjun laughed at they went to their next location. Leaving the half broken cabin behind.


"Sooo.... kai." Beomgyu smiled brightly at the younger "how old are you really? You look younger than taehyunie but who knows.. maybe you're even older than grandpa Yeonjun." he grinned in mischief

Kai bit his lip, not sure if he can trust the strangers with any more personal information. But they've been so kind to him, feeding him, letting him clean himself, giving him permission to sleep. It'll be rude not to repay their kindness.

"I think I'm 19... I'm not sure." he whispered, waiting for their reaction.

"What's your month?" Beomgyu kept asking him questions, feeling over the roof that the younger's finally opening up to them.

"A- august" he stuttered, struggling to look into their eyes.

"Half a year younger than taehyunie then." Beomgyu clapped his hands in excitement, glad that they know a bit more on their new group member.

"I was born in March." Beomgyu informed loudly "I'm two years older than you, you can call me Hyung." his eyes sparkled as he talked. Kai thought the older looked sweet when he smiled, mischievous but sweet nonetheless.

"I was burn in February.. since we're both 19 there's no need to be formal with me, you can be casual if you want." taehyun smiled at him too, his smile a bit more hesitant than Beomgyu, who was outgoing and friendlier than him.

Kai nodded, his gaze traveling back to the floor. He thought the red head's big eyes were cute, he wanted to look at them again but that would be rude. He replayed Taehyun's smile in his head, finding his teethy smile nice enough to remember.

He's pretty.....


"is that a rat??" Soobin jumped into Yeonjun arms as soon as he saw the small animal run at the corner of the room, he was a real scardy cat when it came to little insects and animals.

Yeonjun laughed at him, his childlike giggle making Soobin smile in his arms. "You're such a baby." he caressed Soobin's cheek "my baby.." he pecked his cheek and put the blushing younger back down.

"Stop being so cheesy Hyung." Soobin whined.

"You love it, stop complaining." Yeonjun said, looking at the younger with heart eyes. Soobin couldn't admit it but from one look at the younger, Yeonjun knew he loved the attention.

"You know.. it's actually not half bad. if we clean a bit, and air out the smell. It could work" Yeonjun suggested although he wished they could find a better place, however it was pretty big which was a plus in his eyes.

"I guess it could- ahhhh!! HYUNG THE RAT IS OUT TO GET ME." Soobin jumped on Yeonjun back, causing him to tremble on his feet before he could stabilize himself.

Soobin buried his face in the older's back and Yeonjun wondered to himself if this is the same kid who pointed his gun at a police officer back in Ansan. The younger's duality sure is something.

"Let's go shopping Soobin-ah, we've got work to do" he kissed the younger's hand that was wrapped around his neck and they both headed outside, satisfied by the location.


"Back already?" Taehyun said, surprised at his Hyungs for finding a place so soon. "Usually it takes you half a day at least...." he looked a bit confused.

"We had to compromise, the place we found is really big and spacious but it needs cleaning." Soobin said with a sour expression. "It's better than nothing though. and Beomgyu did say that the last place was too stuffy." Soobin and Yeonjun turned to Beomgyu now, waiting for his opinion.

"Oldie Yeonjun finally acknowledging my complaints? I'm touched Hyung.." he pretending to wipe his non existing tears.

"I knew I should've never let Soobin take you with us." he smacked Beomgyu on his back, the latter let out a chaotic laugh.

"Don't say that Hyung, I know I'm your favorite."

"Shut up, child."

"So is everyone good with our location?" Soobin cut straight to the chase.

"Everywhere is fine by me." Taehyun said, to everyone's relief no one in the group was picky about where they stayed. They all knew that a roof above their heads and running water is all they needed.

"Okay, shall we then?"

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