dirty monster

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"You know beom, a little bit of help would've been appreciated" Yeonjun said, fumbling with the amount bags in his hand. Looking at his younger brother skipping his steps to the car.

"No thank you I'm good" Beomgyu chirped, sounding way too cheery for a criminal who just stole 90 million won. "I'm here kids!" he opened the door, giving Taehyun a little pat on his head "missed me kiddo?" he sang out of tune and unnecessarily loudly, blowing a kiss at the younger"

"Bitches be 1 year older than you and call you a kid" Taehyun complained under his breath. "You're gonna wake him up" he pointed at the sleeping figure on his lap, shielding Kai's ears as soon as he saw Beomgyu walking towards the car. The older had unbelievably high level of decibels.

"Sorry" Beomgyu half whispered, getting into the car along with the others. "He looks so cute when he sleeps" Beomgyu cooed at Kai's adorable position. "How is he?"

"I don't know actually, he could barely hold a conversation with me, passed out as soon as you guys left" he lifted Kai up to rest on his shoulder to give Beomgyu space to sit, the younger groaned in response but stayed fast asleep.

"Hyunnie, do you mind staying with Kai in the car while we work on our hideout? He obviously needs more rest but I don't feel comfortable leaving him alone. plus I think 3 of us is more than enough for the job" Yeonjun said, setting the shopping bags into the dusty old trunk we should really steal another car, preferably one that can make a right without falling apart.......  "Are you okay with staying with him? If not then I'm sure Beom can do it instead" Yeonjun looked at Taehyun, worried as the younger seemed to hesitate.

"No! I mean.. I can stay" Taehyun cursed himself for getting flustered.
It's not that he was vary of staying with the boy, but something about him was enchanting to Taehyun. All logic flew out the window the minute the boy looked at Taehyun and the older was a sucker for a clear mind, Kai robbed him off of that.

"Hyun-ah I got you the cutest squirrel hat, you're gonna love it" Beomgyu half whispered, saving the other from his confusing, Kai induced thoughts.

the older was excited to show the maknaes the goods he and Yeonjun bought for them.

"First we clean. Then you can show then the ridiculous, unnecessary amount of stuff you guys bought" Soobin felt the need to remind them of the limited amount of money they had. The last heist was already dangerous enough, there's no way they can pull another one like that in the next half a year.

"Unnecessary? I beg to differ bunny" Yeonjun said, feeling slightly offended, he took the Bluetooth cable, plugging it to his phone which immediately played DEAN's "What 2 do"

"First of all stop calling me bunny, second of all aren't you sick of that song? , third of all, leg warmers? Really?"

"Hyuka gets cold.. and what's wrong with this song?" Yeonjun pouted, out of all things, his fashion style and taste of music should not be criticized.

Soobin could only sigh as a response,  kids will be kids.... at least they have one responsible adult.


"Well.... it's.... something..?"
Beomgyu tried sounding optimistic but his voice had different plans.

"It's what we have, might as well make the most of it" Soobin truly did feel like the place had potential, if you ignore the pigeon feces and broken toilet. "Who's on the bird poop?"

"Not me!"

"Not me!"

"Not me! Ugh.... damn it" Soobin took the shovel reluctantly, glaring back at Beomgyu who was doing his victory dance "I'm gonna kill you Beom-ah, keep one eye open tonight" he muttered to himself, hesitantly approaching the smelly pile.

"Beom you're on sweeping, I'm on cleaning and then we'll all gather to set the sleeping bags" Yeonjun turned to see how much use they could make of the bathroom.

"Got it!" Beomgyu yelled, taking the large sweeper, coughing here and there from the dust during the process. "If only I were a billionaire" he muttered as he stared at the now dirty sweeper. "If only..."


"We're doing what's best for you, for everyone" the boss held the heavy syringe, ready to inject the black serum into the boy's blood.

"You're hurting me...." he said weakly, refusing to lift his head up.

"We're helping you"

"You're killing me..."

"We're fixing you!" The boss snapped "I'm fixing you! Fixing your flawed DNA" he crouched down, getting to the boy's eye level, aggressively grabbing his chin, lifting his head. "Your sister-"

"Don't talk about my sister" the boy spat, suddenly feeling the anger flooding his mind at the mention of his younger sibling.

"You already know what happened to her.... I don't need to remind you why you're here right?" The boss smiled when he hit Kai's sensitive stop. Breaking the younger's spirit was almost too easy at this point, he didn't even have to do much, just hit the open wounds and the boy's mind will do the rest.

The boy kept quiet, seemingly trying to keep composed.

"You don't want the past repeating itself right? How can we let... someone like you... live?" the boss dragged his words, enjoying the moment. "How can we let a monster back on the streets?" He caressed the boy's cheek, enjoying the power he has over him. Noticing the quiet sniffles coming from the boy, the blindfold blocking his silent tears "You should be thankful, appreciate the facility, we are the only ones who were willing to take you, I spent 10 years of my life trying to help a boy that is nothing more than a murderer...... a dirty monster"

"Kai? Kai!? Get up we have to run! Now!" Taehyun raised his voice, spoting a familiar van at a distance,  reaching the secluded area they claimed, praying to God that one of his Hyungs were here right now. Taehyun calculated every scenario if his head, they won't make it in time to the hide out before the van drivers find them, calling his hyungs won't be helpful, hiding in the car won't be effective, they will be found in 5 minutes.

"Kai please wake up, we need to go" Taehyun begged, nearly crying, he was afraid... too afraid to think clearly. "They're coming..."

Author's note

Ayoo.... I'm fucking tired😂
I hope you enjoy this chapter and the plot so far, if you feel like this story lacks anything so far you already know I'm open to criticism.

Have a nice day💙

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