end of the road

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"Is Taehyun okay?" Kai asks sleepily as Beomgyu tends his body. his eyelids nearly closing and the older knows he's about to lose conscious 

Beomgyu takes a look over the younger's pale face. Helplessness overcomes him but he keeps a strong face, he can't break down now. Not when him and Yeonjun are the only ones stable.

The older rips Kai's sweater, not caring to answer his question well all he can see is the blood covering the younger's back. Dripping down from a wound in his shoulder.

Kai is having non of that. With one motion, he grabs the elder's hand. Stopping the older from checking on him.

"Hyung. Is Taehyunnie alright?.." he asks again, unfamiliar sense of assertiveness in his eyes. And Beomgyu can't ignore his question when the other's eyes pierce him with their look.

Beomgyu looks over at the curb Taehyun sits on, away from Kai's eyesight.

The second youngest has his hands wrapped around his neck, visibly distressed from the previous events.

How did it all get so fucked up?

"Beomgyu Hyung.." Kai whispers, his eyes light up in their blue glow. leaking tears from their sides. 

Beomgyu shakes his head disapprovingly. he looks around, watching as everyone become a wreck of themselves, and everything seems to blur together. and he doesn't even feel like himself anymore when a few tears slip his eyes, for the second time today. 

"what the hell happened Kai?" Beomgyu dares to ask. 

the younger let's out a heartbreaking laugh, followed by tilt of his head and he sits up. but he says nothing, because he doesn't know either. one minute his lips are on Taehyun, and the second thing he knows is the ceiling falling on them, and all he can feel is pain, and thick, hot liquid running from his shoulders.

is this the way of the universe to repay him for being to greedy for his own good? he should've never wanted the elder's love in the first place, let alone let himself enjoy it. 

if that's it, the universe sure has a funny way to tell Kai's desires to go to hell.

even then, all he wants is to see Taehyun eyes looking at him the same way they did before everything crashed. the way they shined, like pretty stars. holding the entire galaxy just for him, and Kai knows he doesn't need a solid roof over his head, or running water. he doesn't need warm clothes or 3 meals a day. as long as he has Taehyun he can live in his eyes, and he'll be content with that.

so he pleads to the universe, to let him have just this one thing, just this one person. so he can continue living. 

he won't ask for anything else, because as long as he has Taehyun, he has everything he can wish for.

Kai knows he can no longer fight the sleepiness when even thinking about the sweetest thing can't stop his heavy eyelids, so he closes his eyes, hoping that when he wakes up he'll see the universe in front of him. his universe.


"okay, Hiyyih" Hikaru laughs nervously, following her best friend with her eyes as the older stuffs her clothes into her infamous pink backpack. "think about what you're doing for a second" she tries reasoning with her friend, who have seemed to have some loose screws in her brain. "this is crazy. I mean... this is actually crazy" she grabs the chaotic girl by his arm.

"they need my help" the older says calmly, but her eyes show panic. "so I'm going"

"okay.. umm, sweetie?" Hikaru tries a different approach. "you don't even know where they are"

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