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"It's him hyung... " Soobin sniffled into Yeonjun's shirt, clutching tightly on his shoulder for any comfort he could get.

"I know baby, it's okay, it's going to be okay" Yeonjun rubbed soothing circles at the younger's back, calming his breakdown.

"They're going to come for me now"

"The police?.." Kai asked quietly from the backseat, still unaware of what was going on.

"Among other people.. I'm not exactly the most loved person around the country" Soobin pulled away from Yeonjun, collecting himself slowly.

"How bad is it Hyung? What do we do?" Beomgyu mustered up the courage to ask what everyone was thinking.

"It's pretty bad Beom-ah" Soobin padded his tears away. "We might have to go into hiding for a little bit"

"I thought we were already in hiding....." Taehyun whispered from the back.

"Well, think again" Soobin said, turning on the car again and pushing the paddle as hard as he could.

"Or... we can go back to Seoul" Beomgyu suggest, expecting his Hyungs to go nuts at his comments.

"Beom what do I always tell you? We run away from danger not towards it"

"What's the fun in that?" Beomgyu raised his eyebrows, will it be better to live in fear and in the shadows instead of finishing what they started?

"Do you have a death wish beom-ah? We're not going back to Seoul" Soobin said in a quite stern voice that left no room for argument.

"Hyung I think it's time to go back-"

"Beom ah!" Soobin yelled abruptly, looking from his wheel directly at Beomgyu from the front mirror. "This is not up for debate... I'm not going back, especially not after we almost-" he trailed off "just.. I'll figure it out okay?"

Beomgyu looked at his Hyung with worry and empathy in his eyes. He knew although Soobin puts a strong front he's actually scared just like the rest of them, maybe even more. Fragile too, although it's hard to believe from an ex gang member, but Soobin had and still has to this day a gentle heart.

"Okay Hyung... sorry" Beomgyu said with a hint of guilt in his voice, last year was difficult for all of them, it seems rather understandable that Soobin wants to avoid as much trouble as they can.

"No- i- I'm sorry I yelled Beomie.. I just-"

"We know Hyung" Taehyun chimed in "It's okay we get it.." he smiled at Soobin who already seemed stressed enough to be dealing with the youngers' nonsense.

I don't want to make the same mistakes again... Soobin continued on driving, he didn't know where. But he'll figure it out, he always figures it out after all. They can trust him, he hopes. Can he even trust himself? After nearly getting Beomgyu killed because of his stupid decisions... maybe he didn't deserve his place in their group, let alone be their leader. He can't shake the feeling they'd be better off without him.


"You're okay to go in alone Hyung?" Soobin stopped the car beside the small 24/7 store. This is going to be a problem now that Soobin can't show his face in public.

"Sure binnie, maknaes? The usual?"

Beomgyu and Taehyun nodded, still half asleep from their quick nap at the car.




Kai flinched, lifting his head from the window he was starting at.

"Ah...? Are you okay?"

Kai nodded leaning slightly away from Yeonjun.

"Anything from the store?"

"I'm not hungry thank you.." he mumbled his words, not Making direct eye contact with the eldest.

"Are you sure? You haven't ate since yesterday"

"It's okay, thank you" Kai replied, staring out the window again.

Yeonjun looked at the younger, his eyes scanning his body like an x-ray machine, noting to himself how skinny and malnourished the younger looks, as if he hadn't ate a good meal in a long time. Yeonjun wasn't one to judge people's bodies but he was also not one to ignore obvious health problems. They went through it with Beomgyu, the younger with his naturally small apatite and tendency to either eat in small bites or forget to eat at all. Yeonjun knew Beomgyu well enough to know it was simply his eating habits rather than a eating disorder of sorts, yet he still took it apun himself to feed his dongsaengs better.

Yeonjun looked at the shelfs, searching for Taehyun's favorite choco cookies and ramen packs, going and rummaging through the whole store for yummy things to buy, maybe the nice snacks will make them all feel better. God knew they needed a little mood booster.

Yeonjun went to the counter, setting the food he chose and checking that he had everything they asked for, when a certain feeling snuck to his mind. He said he wasn't hungry Yeonjun reminded himself, but couldn't shake the image of the little boy swimming within the fabric of his shirt that wasn't even that over-sized. A few ramen packs, maybe some chocolate, just to make him gain some weight. Yeonjun did a U turn back to the instant noodles section, his eyes catching the Plushie section near the door, noticing a baby blue penguin plushie right the the top of the fluffy pile. Cute Yeonjun cooed inside his heart. The penguin was too cute for him not to buy, it had the same color as Kai's eye. Maybe he should give this to the younger's as a sorry type of gesture for what they pulled on him earlier. Yeonjun noticed Kai's body language around him when he left the car. They never gained his trust to begin with and they've already managed to break it. Maybe with this Yeonjun can show him that they're being sincere.

Yeonjun took the baby blue plushie, hugging it to his chest in a proud, satisfied manner, hoping for a nice reaction from the younger as he gives it to him.

He turns back to the check out counter with the extra food for Kai, just in case. And the small, bottle sized plushie. Yeonjun pays with a light felt heart and dances his way back to the car.


Gosh I'm so sorry for the lack of updates I'm been swimming in assignments and work this past few days. Hopefully I'll get another episode done today and tomorrow.

Have a good night!💙 (or day)

Also "Goodbye Romeo"? How much do we bet this will be their title track?

Yo I forgot to even name the title. Adhd things I guess.

Btw do you want a sequel or books that explain each and every member's individual stories? Because I have some very interesting idea for Soobin gang member and Yeonjun's story

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