it ends with me pt.2

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The fine dust made Yeonjun's eyes tear up and sting. Huffing and heaving as he struggled to carry Soobin as they walked through the long hallway.

Beomgyu and Hiyyih were bolting around after Soobin had told them to find Taehyun. both high energy and fast paced while the oldest and the leader dragged their legs behind.

"Junnie... go with them I'll stay here. I'm just slowing you down" Soobin said. Already moving away from Yeonjun's arms.

Yeonjun tightened his hands around Soobin, pulling him as close to his body as possible.

"Shut up stupid. I'm not leaving you anywhere"

Soobin sighed, rolling his eyes. But couldn't help smiling against Yeonjun's hair, his heart filling up with warmth with each touch of the older. Everytime Yeonjun has tighten his arms around him, like he was too afraid that if the hold would get any more loose Soobin would collapse.

They were about to turn a corner when the building tilted and sent both of them bashing against the wall. Yeonjun's back hit the wall and he slid down, his hand lost grip of Soobin and the younger fumbled in his state, his hands clasping Yeonjun's pants.


"Hyung! Hyung, I can't hold on!"

Debris fell from the ceiling and into Yeonjun's hair, staining the black hair with gray particles.

His hand grabbed on the stairs railing, half trying to hold on half risking falling down the flight of stairs.

With all his energy, he pulled his leg to his body in an attempt to pull Soobin closer to him but the grasp was getting weaker by the second and Soobin's hand started shaking.

"Hyung!" He yelled desperately "it hurts!"

Yeonjun's Heartbeat picked up from its already scary fast pace. His pupils shook in their socket as he tried pulling harder.

"Don't let go!" Yeonjun warned "Do not let go! Do you hear me?!" He demanded with a shaking voice.

A piece of ceiling fell down dangerously close to Yeonjun's body and the older flinched, his hand losing it's hold on the railing for a split second before finding it again.

Soobin lowered his head while suppressing a cry of pain as his body continued sliding down, his arm stretched painfully causing his injury stomach to strain. A tear rolled on his cheek while he tightened the grasp of his fingers on the soft fabric of Yeonjun's pants.

"I won't let go..." he whispered to himself. Vision blurred with tears while Yeonjun's words echo in his mind.

"I'll never let go..."


"Do you know anyone named Kai?"

Beomgyu's feet slowed down, no longer slamming on the hard concrete.

"How do you know..-.." he started asking, but it all became clear after he turned over to face the pink haired lady. The features, mannerisms, tone of voice. It was familiar.... not the same. But the resembles was there. It's only weird how they haven't noticed it before.....

His chocolate eyes widened and his head tilted left in pure confusion.

"What?" She asked, confused by his confusion.

"What do you mean what?" He said, his hands gesturing alone with his words, further demonstrating the absurdity "Aren't you supposed to be like... not alive?" He asked, giving her the side eye.

He looks to the sides, his face getting closer to hers.

"Are you a ghost....?"

"Are you dumb?"

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