goodnight Bin-ah

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"Get a grip Hyung" soobin spat.

"Get a grip?! Do you hear yourself?" Yeonjun felt himself getting riled up.
This is not how he wanted them to sort it out, fighting with Soobin was never easy nor did he want to get mad at him, but he needed him to understand that he is just as important as the rest of them.

At this point both of them got up, staring at each other with about 2 meters distance from one another.

Soobin rubbed the side of his temple, nearly frustration enough to feel the anger rising in him, still.. under Yeonjun's burning gaze all he wanted to do was run to him for safety.

"You know Taehyun has anxiety, why would you tell him I got hurt? It's not even that bad, I told you I was fine!" Soobin slightly raised his voice.

"What good will it do if we hide it from him?! Hmm? He deserves to know what's going on! Stop shielding him when you can't even take care of yourself!"

Something in Soobin snapped.

"I can take care of myself" he said coldly, staring at Yeonjun with the same amount of fire in his eyes.

"Can you Soobin? Can you?! Because every second of these last 6 months you've been nothing but self destructive! Get a grip you say? You're the one who needs to fucking get it together!" Yeonjun screamed, his hands shook of the overwhelming emotion and he was looking at Soobin with concern, anger and frustration.

"Self destructive...?" Soobin whispered, looking at his Hyung, he felt betrayed for some reason.

Yeonjun sighed deeply before looking at Soobin again, his gaze not as angry as before.

"Beomgyu told me what happened in the bathroom" his voice was cold "said you couldn't even stay awake"

Soobin's eyes widened.

"Hyung... that's not-"

"Don't goddamn lie to me Soobin-ah"

Soobin looked down, his muscles tensed even more, he felt the lump in his throat get bigger, threatening to bring him in tears any minute.

"Soobin-ah..." Yeonjun's voice grew softer "Look at me" he demanded.

Soobin liften his eyes, glistening with unshed tears.

"Bin-ah" Yeonjun said softly.

The younger's muscles relaxed a bit at the nickname.

"You're our leader, and the strongest person I know. But you are also younger than me, and I'm your Hyung which means I won't let you neglect yourself.. even if it means letting us get hurt instead"

"Junnie I can't-"

Yeonjun moved fast, hugging the younger as tightly as he could, cutting him mid sentence.

"I'm sorry binnie" Yeonjun was quick to apologize, somehow the tears in Soobin's eyes put some things into perspective "I didn't mean to be so harsh.."

Soobin hummed in response, relaxing fully in Yeonjun's arms, snuggling his face in the older's neck crook, finally feeling somewhat safe in the older's warm embrace.

"I know.. that everything that you do, you do for us. From the day I met you, I knew you were the type of person to give his whole to the ones he loved" Yeonjun exhaled, afraid to bring up the subject.
"But even since... Yeosang"

Soobin tensed up again, suddenly feeling scared.

"It wasn't your fault, Beomie is fine, alive and well. We've never once been angry at you, never once thought it was your fault. So you don't have anything to prove to us, you don't have to kill yourself to let us know you're sorry for what happened"

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