blood sweat and tears

368 21 12

"And what do you say when you're breaking a rule?" The voice said, and Kai could tell the boss was gritting his teeth and waiting for him to slip.

A few years of living blind had given him the ability to sense a person's feeling through sound, tone and ground vibration alone. and the boss's tone was as angry as he's ever heard it, his shoe tapped on the ground and Kai could feel his piercing gaze on him.

"hmmm...m' sorry.." Kai's words slurred together and his throat burned as he tried gasping for a few ounces of air. the blood from his wrists had pooled on the ground beneath him along with the sick he had threw up, he felt gross and pathetic. his sweaty shirt stuck to his slim frame and the absence of warmth that the hoodie Yeonjun had bought him only added to his misery.

the boss huffed in annoyance, his tapping getting more furious. his eyes burned holes into the chained boy beneath his legs and he debated whether to give the boy one more hit just for the hell of it. 

"louder!" he yelled, nudging the boy's body with the tip of the stick, causing Kai's body to sway harder sideways, he had already gave himself to the chains, dangling by his wrists with no sense of stability whatsoever. but the nudge felt like he was falling from a 30 stories' building. he knew at that moment that he was going in to what the boss liked to call it, his "001 headspace". where he'd lose his awareness completely and his mind would only focus on his boss's orders in an attempt to survive. his body would detach from his mind and he'd feel as if he's in a simulation.

"I'm s-sorry... I'll be g-good. I'll be good..." he voiced louder, not caring for the way the effort had drawn a couple more blood drops from his mouth. 

"good." the boss smacked his lips, not half as satisfied as he wanted to be, but that'll do for now, he still has a lot prepared. "let's start".


"What the fuck...." Yeonjun whispered. his eyes traveling while studying the room they're in.

Spider webs decorated the corners of the peeling walls, and Yeonjun's pretty sure he'd spotted a bug here and there.

The walls had angry scratches covering most of the surface. Streaks of dry, old blood along with bloodied foot steps over the floor and going all the way to the door. but the most disturbing of it all was the food remains scattered all of the floor, pieces of rotten bread and many other substances he could not tell what they were originally. Yeonjun assumed that was the main source of the smell in the room, at least hoped so. 

His eyes went back to his Binnie... who had to fight to keep a calm expression. Most of his white T was covered red and his hand rested on the darkest red spot on his stomach.

"oh my god... Bin-ah.." His eyes could not tear from the way the blood continued to flow from his lover's wound. Soobin was half sitting half laying while leaning on the wall behind him, a piles of soggy stuff surrounded him and Yeonjun closed his eyes in order to process everything.

Soobin looked alarmed, as if didn't expect the lights to be turned on. he had let himself be unfiltered in the dark, not controlling his facial expression that showed that he was clearly in a lot of pain. his arms hurried to covered more than half of shirt and he gave his worried Hyung an apologetic smile.

"it looks worse than it feels, don't worry to much" he said in response to Yeonjun's frowny face. "seriously-....Do you guys hear that?" he snapped his head at the direction of the sound. the screams heard outside their room sounded just like... 

"is that Kai?" Beomgyu asked, wearing a devasted expression as the screaming went on.

Yeonjun again, closed his eyes in an attempt to hear better. it seems like the commotion was taking place just in the next room, but how clear Kai's voice was. a bit faint, but clear nonetheless.

"let me out!"  the screams grow louder as they went on. and it was clear as day that it was their youngest member. the screams were heart wrenching to the ears, filled with terror and desperation. all 3 boys felt a piece of their heart tear as the sound of their dongsaeng begging for freedom.

"fuck...." Yeonjun whispered, a few tears rolling down his cheeks. he closed his eyes shut, hoping that the screams would stop. it was too much for him to hear their precious baby like that. none of them deserved it.

"please..ahh!"  was heard with a few thud sounds and bzzz effect followed.

Yeonjun shook his head, his hands going to block his ears. the pain of hearing them hurting Kai was more agonizing than anything he had ever went through in his entire life, he'd rather get shot a million times just to make it stop. make the pain stop.

"what are they doing to him Hyung..?.." Beomgyu asked Soobin, his big chocolate eyed stare glossily at Soobin's narrow ones and the older fought the tears threatning to fall from his eyes. he had to be strong, for all of them.

thud. "ahhhh!!"

Beomgyu's small frame flinched, his eyes growing bigger in fear.

"Beomie.." Soobin said, trying to get the boy's attention "Beomie look at me.. It's going to be okay." 

Beomgyu eyes locked in Soobin's, drawing the safety in them. the older gave him a reassuring smile. under different circumstances, Beomgyu would go to hide in Soobin's arms, asking for all the protection he could get. and Soobin would run his hands through the youngers fluffy hair,  and tell him that as long as he's there, no one can hurt them. 

that wasn't the case, not anymore.


Taehyun squinted his sore eyes, the blinding light from the door's crack overwhelming his sight. the door squeaked loudly, and the light grew. he rubbed his eyes, clearing his impaired vision. opening them up again to be met by a man in uniform, his heavy boots thumping on the ground while he makes his way to Taehyun, who flinched further away.

"wakey wakey.." the man says before taking Taehyun's hands forcefully and placing a heavy set of metal cuffs on them, ignoring the younger's protests and attempts to squirm away from him. he had put the cuffs on Taehyun's wrists with no sighs of struggle, being no match for Taehyun who was clearly a few levels weaker than him. after that, he freed Taehyun's ankel from the chain connected the the wall and picked him up by his arm, bruising it blue.

"ah, it hurts! get off me!" Taehyun yelled, all his energy going into kicking and fighting off the guard, who seemed completely unbothered by Taehyun who was nothing more than an annoying fly to him.

"Where are my friends?" Taehyun yelled as the guard gave up holding him upright and resorted to dragging him by his cuffs.

"Where's Kai!? What did you do to him?" He asked, his voice breaking when he said the name.

They reached a big gray door, similar to the one Taehyun's room had. It seemed as if this whole building was just a maze of identical halls and rooms.

It squeaked and the guard threw Taehyun's body in, the younger hit the ground hip first, a groan escaped his mouth and he fought against the cuffs holding his hands behind his back.

A few more hands on him and two guards hold him up and making him walk to the center of the room.

Unlike the first time he doesn't resist, because their hands are rougher, and movements are more aggressive. He doesn't want to push their limits, so he lowers his head and stares at his torn up shoes.

"Good." A deep voice says and Taehyun raises his head, and he wishes he wouldn't have. Because the sight infront of him shatters his heart to more pieces than he thought it could.

The figure infront him is hanging by two chains from the ceiling, his knees barely graze the ground as his body sways back and forth. Blood and sweat dripping from the figure  and Taehyun could recognize the boy from a mile away.


"Love... what did they do to you?.."

"Let him go!"


Author's note.

Might be edited later, made this in a rush.


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