how the cookie crumbles

476 26 11

First it was the lamp, swinging off the ceiling. Neither of them even had the time to digest what they just saw on the TV when a crack was heard above them.

Kai moved fast, yanking Taehyun and throwing them both on the ground to avoid the upcoming hit of the old chandelier.

Kai's body fell over Taehyun's and he could See the blank expression on the older's face, as if he wasn't even there.

The shatter rang inside the younger's mind. The tiny shards flew all over the place, threatening to cut through their bodies. Kai instinctively lowered himself towards Taehyun's body, trying his best to shield the older from the thin glass.

Mental patient?


The words echoed in Kai's mind. Pounding on his brain mercilessly.

They were lying. Kai had never seen the alleged "doctor" before. He was never administrated in a psych ward.

They're framing him.

The ceiling cracked further, a big piece of it hanging by a thread, waiting to fall on them at any second.

A sound of glass shattering from their right and Kai snapped his head over, watching the bed lamps as they're exploding one by one.

Taehyun's yelped in fear as the last one shattered, a small piece pierced into his arm despite the body hovering above him.

Kai's heart pulled at the sound of the older screaming beneath him, and he held the back of Taehyun's head in his hand, pulling it up towards his chest while his other hand supports his weight.

"Shhh... I'm gonna get you out of here" he spoke quietly, nearly whispering in the older's ear, who seemed to have loosened his body, just a bit. His trembling hands reach Kai's shirt, clutching on it for dear life, trying to ignore the fact that he is reliving his worst nightmare.

Kai looked up at the piece hanging above them, it snapped, falling in speed at their direction.

He rolled over swiftly, using the speedy reflexes he never knew he had. his hands holding Taehyun's back and they both barely avoided the crash of the heavy piece on the floor.

Just as Kai thought it was over, he looked around, his eyes fixated on the door. Without warning, the floor tilted, and bumped down, causing both their bodies to jump and land with a loud thud.

"Ugh.." Kai groaned when his knee made impact with the floor. His body tensed even more when he tried not to crash right onto The older.

Taehyun cried out as his back flares in pain. His shoulder already forming a nasty bruise from the hit.

From the shock of the fall, Kai hadn't noticed the book case swinging back and forth, finally landing over straight on the younger's ankle.

He bit his lower lip, a lame try at suppressing a pained scream. He felt a ringing in his ear, a high pitched one, going in and out.

He could see dusty smoke covering the air around them, the door was no longer visible.

The ceiling cracked, half of it already on the ground. A large square disconnected, and this time Kai couldn't dodge it.

He held the whimpering older, closing his eyes when the impact came.

The square broke on his back, causing him to momentarily lose the balance in his hand, and fall onto Taehyun. It was only for a split second when he pulled himself back up, fighting the resistance of the heavy weight on his shoulders and his lower back.

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