black orchid

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"I heard you kept yourself with some company? Took out two of our best workers, Don't you feel any remorse?" The man asked him.

Kai could feel his steps through the ground, circling around his body. The man tugged on his chains, creating a mild strain at Kai's back, forcing him to bend forward a bit.

"Did they leave? Finally realized you're just an animal meant to be chained down?" The man taunted. "Did you tell them?" His voice came down to whisper, leaning towards the boy's ear.
"That you're a murderer?"

The malicious words pierced through Kai's heart. As if the man knew exactly what it took to break him.

Kai remembers his voice, the boss's right man. His wife being one of the scientists who worked on him until just a two weeks ago.

He tried shifting in his place, the bumpy ground hurting his knees. His clothes were still wet from the melted ice and he shivered at the coldness, seeping into his body.

"What I didn't expect is for you to put up a fight..." Kai felt a hand on his shoulder, pulling him down. "Since when have you become so feisty? What happened to our obedient animal?" Kai's chest pressed onto the ground, making it ache even more.

The man took notice to the whimper coming out of the young man's lips.

"Hurts?... isn't it what you deserve?" The man laughed not so happily. "I'm being easy on you, can't you tell?"

Kai bit his lip down behind the rough cloth meant to silence him, suppressing another sob. He didn't want to be weak anymore. He didn't want them to draw any satisfaction from seeing being teared apart again.

"What if I'm scared?"

"If you're scared?...pretend"

Kai Took a few deep breaths in, and out. Calming his silent cries for help.

"That's enough, he'll be punished properly at the facility. let's load him up" The man turned to one of the guards surrounding Kai, signaling to their driver to start the car.

"Get up...." the man nodged Kai's body with his boot. "Hey...I said get up!" The man yelled when he saw the boy wasn't moving.

Kai's exhausted body, too tired to peel itself of the ground. Especially with his hands uncomfortably bound in chains behind his back. He felt painfully disoriented, a familiar feeling he never wanted to experience again. Kai knew they liked to keep him that way, senseless.

"They didn't see it right? They couldn't have seen it. They can't take him away, t-they can't-"

"Taehyunnie" Yeonjun stopped the younger from his frantic rambling. Beomgyu hugged Taehyun tightly, taking his shakey hands in his.

"He'll be alright. There's a low chance his captures managed to get to him in such a short time. But we need to hurry, and we can't do that if you're not in your right mind. Please calm down okay?"

Taehyun nodded, his breath still irregular from his crying fit.

"Breathe with me, one in..." Beomgyu repeated their regular routine whenever Taehyun would have his occasional panic attacks. "And one out, great job Taehyunnie.. are we ready to go then?" Beomgyu asked him softly, patting his shoulder in sympathy.

"Ahh... one small problem." Yeonjun looked back "we have no car" he stated the obvious.

They all got out of the wrecked car, the second car they had ruined in 3 days. If it wasn't for the gloomy circumstances they might have been able to laugh at the absurdity.

They stood at the road's side, not a car went by at this time of day, Allowing them to pull their things out of the car and scatter them across the narrow road.

Beomgyu and Taehyun were deep into their own world to even register that their car was totalled. And they were nearly 10 km away from where they had left Kai.

"We shouldn't have left him" Taehyun whispered "we shouldn't have...." the younger kept beating himself over and over again. Replaying the scene of being dragged away from Kai, forced to leave him when he was in pain, and now they couldn't even go back.

"Do you think he was waiting for us?" Soobin voiced what everyone was curious about. Now knowing that his question dug painfully deeper into their maknae.

Taehyun couldn't picture it, Kai waiting for them in the cold. He imagined the boy's disappointed and betrayed face when they wouldn't come back for him. Just the thought Made Taehyun's heart ache. Did Kai hate him now? He has every right to... Taehyun left him to save himself. They all did. They promised him he'd be safe with then but when the the situation called for it they ran, leaving him alone. Prioritizing themselves over him.

"We need to go back, somehow" Yeonjun said, the guilt overwhelmed him as he realized his own selfish actions.

"Hyung...." Beomgyu whispered as he looked to his left. "A car.."

They all looked at where Beomgyu was pointing. Sighing in relief as they realized a car was indeed heading their way.

"Should we hijack it?" Soobin mumbled for the first time since they got out of the car, still hazed from his fever.

"Or... we could ask for a ride like normal people" Yeonjun suggested.

"Ah... Hyung. We're not exactly the definition of normal people.. And Soobin is all over the news. classified as a fugitive might I remind you" Beomgyu stated. Keeping his eyes on the baby pink car who was now just a few meters away from them. Coming to a stop due to their stuff blocking the way.

"Hijacking it is then" Soobin said, shaking himself to regain some more awareness.

"Hello!" A young lady, with baby pink hair approached them. Her smile wide and bright and her body language friendly. She didn't seem to recognize Soobin which made them all unclench their worried minds.

The lady seemed completely unfazed by the fact that four man were blocking her route.

Soobin loosened the grip over his gun, debating whether or not they actually needed it.

The lady gasped at the sight of their car crumpled into the tree.

"Are you guys okay?" She voiced her concern "why didn't you call the police? Do you need help?"

The boys didn't really know how to respond to her kindness. Overflowing bright energy radiated from her, relaxing their tension slowly.

"Actually, would you mind giving us a ride?" Yeonjun asked hesitantly after getting an affirming nod from Soobin.

"Sure!" The lady beamed cheerfully.

Soobin looked her up and down for any potential threat. He couldn't understand her, how naive can you be to let 4 man into your car at nearly 7 in the morning?
Some people are just too trusting, soobin supposed.

"Where to?"........

"Black orchid forest"

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