
437 24 17

⚠️mentions of self harm⚠️

Taehyun eyes fluttered open, he rolled in his sheets. His throat felt dry and scratchy.

Water.. he needed some water.

He hopped out of bed, stretching his arms slightly. Heading towards the big jar of water, pouring a nice glass for himself, downing it in 3 big gulps.

He looked around, squinting his eyes in the dark. He saw Beomgyu sleeping peacefully in his bed, snoring softly.

Taehyun giggled quietly.

Even when he is asleep he's damn noisy.

Taehyun downed another glass, wiping the rest of the water off his lips.

He walked to Kai's bed, wanting to peck the younger's forehead before heading to sleep again, only to notice Kai's bed is empty.

Panic rose in his chest

did he leave?

He wouldn't leave right?

But then he heard it, faints sounds in the bathroom, the tap opening, the water running down the sink.

He walked carefully.

"Kai... are you in there?" He knocked softly, afraid to scare the younger.

"Kai.... is everything okay?"

Again, no response.

Taehyun was getting anxious, he knocked harder.

"Hyun-ah.." Beomgyu mumbled, opening his eyes "what's going on?"

"I... i don't know, Hyung" Taehyun said in a panicked voice. "Kai's in the bathroom, he won't... he won't respond to me"

"Uhh... has it accord to you that he just wants to piss and you're bothering his... flow..?" Beomgyu said, a grin on his half asleep face.

"Hyung" Taehyun stared at him deadpan "I know something is wrong" he said.

Something about Taehyun's near tears voice made Beomgyu nervous as well. He stood up walking towards the door.

"Kai.." Beomgyu knocked, aggressively this time. "Can you come out so that our little scardy cat Taehyunnie see you're fine"

Taehyun stared daggers at Beomgyu.

"I'm not a scardy cat" he whispered.

"Sure Taehyunnie" Beomgyu patted his head, making Taehyun feel like a little kid.

"S-step away from them!"

Beomgyu and Taehyun turned around at the noise. Meeting with a very sleep, shirtless Soobin.

The older had the eye bags of a panda while stumbling over his words, combined with the gun in his hands.

The image was more adorable than intimidating.

It took everything Beomgyu had to not laugh right then and there, yet a wheeze managed to escape his mouth.

Soobin glared at him, after noting that there was no threat, he lowered his gun, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I heard noises so I thought- what are you guys doing up anyways? It's 3 am.." he asked.

A loud bang came out of the bathroom, getting all of their attention.

"Kai..?" Taehyun flinched.

Soobin looked at them confused.

"Beom-ah what-"

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