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"Put the gun down.... now!" Soobin demanded, his stance was strong behind the older man. His hands gripping on the gun, ready to load it at the smallest movement. "Don't come out Kai" he saw a peek of younger's leg behind the wall "stay right there" Soobin shifted his legs seamlessly, pointing the gun against the man's neck.

"Don't be stupid kid" the man chuckled, too arrogant to think he has any control left. "You sound what... 22? 21 even..? Do you even know how to shoot a gun little guy?" The man now laughed, finding the situation absurd.

I don't have time for kids games, I just need the boy and I'll be out of here in 5 minutes, maybe even 10 if I want to have some fun with the other two kids.

the man smiled to himself at the thought of the things he'd do if he had the time to teach these boys a lesson or two. He turned around, underestimated the amount of courage a 22 year old has.

Soobin loaded the gun even before the man could switch his legs.

"I said, put. The gun. Down." Soobin said, unbothered by the man's attempts to degrade his skills. He knew by the way his hands were stable, his mind clear and collected, the man had no chance against him. Kid or not.

He swong his arm above the man, his height already helping him tower over the elder, in a swift motion he knocked the gun out of the man's hand, causing him to yell in surprise. Soobin had one advantage all this years, people's egos. They always seemed to underestimate the young boy, Soobin also knew his soft features were a plus. Does he know how to shot a gun? Apparently better than most of them. His age made others put their guards down, he won fights that way even before he officially started them.

The man looked bewildered as Soobin took his arm, forcefully tugging on it. Turning him around and Pulling them face to face, not even a second in, Soobin gun was pushing against the man's torso... and Soobin pulled the trigger.

"Where's your other friend? Hmmm?" Soobin asked, playing with his gun In front of the injured man sitting against the wall. "You've already bothered us enough, I might as well get some answers in return"

"You don't know what you're getting yourself into kid" the man coughed, feeling the burning pain in his lower stomach.

"Call me kid one more time and I might shoot a more vital organ, answer me." Soobin's eyes panned from the man to the crook in front of them, making sure the shadows of his friends are still there.

"let me take the kid, and I'll answer whatever you want" the man teased.

"You're not laying a finger on him I fear... not on my watch." Soobin reached his hand, he fingers digging into the man's bullet wound. "Either tell me while I'm being nice or I'll force the answers out of you." He watched the man groan from pain, staring daggers at him, Soobin couldn't care less. "What do you want from him?"

The more Soobin thought about it, and.. believe him, he thought about it a lot. The more it didn't make sense.

Why go through all these lengths for one boy? Human trafficking? Too simple, they can just kidnap another boy. Kidnap for ransom? Was the boy from an influential family? Then how come he never tried calling them when he got out? There was the low possibility that the boy was blood related to whoever abused him, but that didn't seem to be the case as well.

So why? Why did they want him so bad, what is so special about him? What's he hiding?

"I'll give you money for him" the man spoke, his voice showing that he was holding on a very thin thread. "Everyone wants money right? How much do you want?" He made a rather desperate offer, coming back empty handed was not an option for him.

Money? He's offering me money? Who said the world wasn't a funny place....?

"I'm getting rather impatient here" Soobin sighed, his gun pushing on the man's organs "Where's the other guy and why are you after Kai?"

"Mark my words kid, you're gonna regret not giving him over" the man whispered only for Soobin to hear, before losing his conscience, falling with a loud thud to the ground.

"Fuck... they don't last long like they used to" Soobin said, unbothered by the scene "you can come out now" he approached the wall peeking at the two crouched figures, the bigger one hugging the other, nearly covering his entire body with his own, whispering "It's okays" and "calm downs" into the boy's ears.

"Hyunnie" Soobin's heart broke at the sight of the young boy, sobbing until he's out of breath, breaking into pieces. Soobin has seen Taehyun's panic attacks before. But this was no panic attack, this was an actual state of shock.

Kai stood up, finally revealing the smaller frame beneath him.

Soobin took the younger in his arms, picking him off the ground like he weighed nothing, Taehyun buried himself into Soobin, clutching on his shirt in pure fear. Soobin turned around to Kai, giving the visibly distressed boy a small smile guiding them all towards the hide out.


Soobin nocked on the door 3 times, one in a different beat. His signature knock. It's funny how different professions can lead you to different habits. Apparently being a criminal meant you had to have your own knock, password and safe word. it's terrifying the amount of times it saved him from almost getting killed.

"Soobin! What happened?" Yeonjun opened the door, letting out that sign of relief he was holding under his breath for almost half an hour. He looked around, assessing the situation.

"Hyunnie... hey baby what's wrong" Yeonjun took a notice at the trembling boy in Soobin's arms.

Soobin let him down on floor gently, letting Yeonjun and Beomgyu take the wheel while he kept his eyes on Kai, who seemed to be completely out of it. Closing his eyes momentarily, opening them for a few seconds, doing the same with his hands, pacing around, stopping for a few seconds, and repeat.

Yeonjun and Beomgyu's focus given fully to Taehyun. Not noticing Kai's abnormal behavior, not that Kai even behaved normally around them but this was different. Almost as if he is in a fight with someome invisible.... something invisible.

"Kai" Soobin stopped the younger from his pacing around "Come over here please, I want to have a talk with you" Soobin demanded, his voice leaving no room for debate, Kai looked at him, hesitant than ever.
Is he afraid of me?....

Kai looked around, hoping that something will save him from being alone in a room with Soobin. Kai's urges became stronger, his resistance weakened each moment passing.

"No I don't want to" he closed his eyes, trying to block the persistent, almost stubborn glow. He helf back a growl.

"Kai...." Soobin's voice unexpectedly became softed, like how it did when he talked to the others. "You don't have to be afraid, I just want to talk"

"I can't" Kai said, the raspy tone more evident in his voice. He knew well enough, his nature was too strong to be pushed back.

"Just come over here for a sec-"

"I said I can't!" He growled, turned his head over to Soobin, his eyes shot wide open, glowing in soft blue tint, the invisible scar under his eyes revealing itself in a white hue.

It's too late now....


Author's note

I love badass Soobin. I always see him as their protector for some reason 🥺

I'm planning on taking a day off tomorrow cuz I only have lectures and I can't sit my ass for 9 hours listening to other people so......
I might have more time to write🤗

Anywho have a great day... I think this is all for today's story update

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