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"please....ahhh!" his body jerked forward and he panted heavily, his hair dripping sweat on the concrete. he chokes a sob of pain while continuing to fight against the chains. his body no longer feels like his own, not that it ever has. but it's different this time, because he had a taste of the freedom he longed for all of his life, and for some reason, it's a lot more devastating to get ripped off of it for the second time. 

was it such a impossible request to let him live peacefully?

a hand on his shoulder stops him from shaking and moving frantically around. his ear perks up in an attempt to pick up the sounds around him. the hand pushed his body down and presses on the wound he had got when the motel's ceiling fell on his back while trying to shield Taehyun from the debris. 

"there, there.... calm down now." the voice said, and the tone shakes Kai to his core. it's taunting and playful, but the horror and anger is present. the psychotic voice echoes in his mind and his body freezes in it's place. 

"we haven't even started yet." the deep voice says and Kai's afraid to release the breath he's holding in his already aching lungs. his head's raise up and bent back by force, the sudden movement makes his neck snap uncomfortably. a rough hand is tangled in his sweaty locks and it tugs on his hairs enough to rip a few strands.

Kai bites his lower lip to stop from yelping in fear while his body trembles uncontrollably. a few of the tears that brimmed in his eyes fall and roll down his cheeks while he lets out a silent whimper of agony. 

 the hand's grip loosens and kai's head drops down unprompted.

his fists clench when he hears the sound of the electric stick tapping the ground, first it comes from afar but now the tapping's a few centimeters from his body, and he knows it's a sign for what's about to come.

"what were the three rules 001?" the taunting voice asks him and his body tries the best it can to back away from where it comes from.

Kai shakes his head, a few tears drop at that and stain his already dirt stained pants. they're torn and his knees are bare on the harsh surface. he feels the blood drops running from his abused wrists on the way down his shoulders and armpits, mixing on their way with the layer of cold sweat covering most of his body.

he's sent stumbling forward when the boss swings the metal stick and hammers it in both of Kai's legs. causing the boy to lose his balance and fall forward with his whole weight supported by his shoulders. 

"Ahhh!" Kai screams from the shock of the impact. his injured shoulder can no longer take the pressure and it snaps out of it's place, causing a excruciating strain in his upper back and arms. his legs scramble on the ground to try and regain their stability on the floor and one of them drag behind slower than it should, suggesting it had shattered.

the metal stick's tip goes under his chin and raises his drowsy head.

"I asked you a question, don't make me mad than I already am. what were the three rules?"

Kai's breath became erratic and he could no longer control his sobs for mercy. everything in his body screamed at the man to stop but he knew nothing he'll say will ever buy his forgiveness.

"d-don't... don't t-take off.." he tries speaking but his throat gives up on him and he coughs dryly. dread spreads in his body when a few drops of blood spurt out of his mouth and down his chin.

"speak up" the voice demands and a few taps come through the concrete as warning.

Kai spits the remains of the crimson liquid and his tears continue flowing in rapid speed, soaking the blindfold wet a while ago. his whole body tenses when he waits for another hit to come, and he knows if he doesn't get his shit together and fast, the pain's just going to get more intense. but the fear growing in his stomach is too overwhelming for him to think clearly.

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