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"I said... get up!" The man took the chains and pulled at them aggressively. Forcing Kai back on his knees.

"Consider yourself lucky.." he lifted the young boy's head by grabbing his chin. "If it wasn't for the fat bonus I'll get for finding and getting you back I would've made you regret being so disrespectful."

The man pulled away from Kai, letting him off with a heavy kick to his stomach, making the boy gasp for air as he folded himself.

"Be thankful, I can do way more than that" the man said, he spat on the boy under his feet, the sight was too pitiful for his liking. "Pathetic."

"Get up" the man demanded again, something that Kai couldn't understand. Wasn't it obvious that his body is too weak to stand up without the support of his hands?

Kai prayed that the man would give up and let one of the guard do it for him.

"What the fuck? Did you not hear me?" The man asked furiously.

Kai tried voicing out that he couldn't get up but his sentence came out muffled by the cloth tied around his mouth.

"What was that? Did I tell you you're allowed to talk back?" The man crouched down again, delivering a loud slap on Kai's cheek.

Kai swallowed the lump at his throat, thankful that his tears aren't visible under his blindfold. He couldn't help letting out a choked whimper.

"Yeah... that's what I thought" the man smiled in satisfaction. The feeling of powering over the boy, having full control over him, gave the man unexplainable euphoria.

"Sir... we should really get going" on of the guards said while tapping his foot repeatedly.

The man shifted his position, grabbing a fistful of kai's hair, pulling down. Forcing the boy's face up.

Ignoring the guard's words, the man got closer to Kai. "You're going to get up, and for everytime you can't.... " the man chuckled "I'm going to kick you as hard as I can"

He let go of his grip on the boy's hair.


Kai's body visible shook at the man's words, making the other smile cruelly again.

"Sir, we really need to go, we don't have-" the guard froze mid sentence as the man's gun pointed at him.

"Don't you dare undermine me Jack, you don't think I've got this under control?" He asked while loading the gun.

"No sir... I'm sorry." The guard stared anxiously at the gun.

"Please continue as you wish sir"


"So... where are you guys from?" The lady asked to break the suffocating silence.

"Uhhh..." Beomgyu's head went through the dozens of cities they've been in, wondering which one to pick. It seemed that he was the only one keeping his cool at the moment. Taehyun was a word away from breaking down again, Soobin hyper aware of every movement the lady was making, didn't seem to pay attention to what she was saying. Yeonjun was completely out of it, guilt eating him from inside, not able to look Taehyun in the eyes. Him and the younger haven't talked since their fight. The tension could've been cut with a knife.

"Daegyu" Beomgyu settled on his hometown, smiling at the memories it brought him. Out of them all, beomgyu might have been the one with the happiest childhood.

"Daegyu? That's nice... you don't have an accent at all though....."

Beomgyu realized he had to take on the liability of conversing with her. Which wasn't such of a liability for him since he loved making new friends.

"Oh!" Beomgyu chirped "that's because my parents came from Seoul"

"That's cool, my parents came from Seoul too" she laughed. "I live there now too, with a few roommates"

"So what are you doing near GwanJu?" Beomgyu questioned.

"Well, I wanted to take a long road trip."

"All the way to GwanJu from Seoul?" Something about her reason didn't sit well with Beomgyu. When you want to take a road trip you don't go half a country away.

"I guess so.. GwanJu just, called me" the lady beamed with a smile. "Works out great isn't it? I got to help people in need" she gestured at Beomgyu and the others.

"Yeah..." Beomgyu said, not completely convinced with her story.

"You can stop now" Soobin said, recognizing the start of the forest.

"Are you sure? The main forest is still pretty far away"

"It's fine, just pull over" Soobin said again, his voice a bit more impatient now.

"Okay then" she smiled, not caring for his harsh tone. "Be safe" she said, her expression suddenly serious "it can be dangerous out there"

"We will" Beomgyu was quick to reply  something about her look made him feel uncomfortable.

She pulled over at the next bus stop.

They got out in a hurry, taking their stuff from the trunk.

Soobin was the last to get out, making sure his friends get out safely. He took one more glance at the lady, he noticed from the beginning, but something about her seemed familiar, too familiar.

"Hey, thank you for the ride" he felt reluctant to say. "What's your name again?"

"Oh!" She looked flustered "I guess I forgot to say. Nice to meet you, I'm hiyyih."


"Where to now? I'll give you a choice. That's how nice I am" the man looked down at the beaten boy, searching for a limb he hasn't laid his boot in yet.

"The arms? Maybe one of your legs..." he referenced. "Take your pick"

Kai had to put in effort to make sense of the man's words, the nausea from the repeated blows to his stomach taking over his mind, not allowing him to breathe right.

"A-arm.." Kai struggled to voice behind the tightly tied cloth.

"I didn't hear you"

Well not shit kai thought.

"Arm...a-arm" his voice muffled.

"Well. I guess I'll chose then"

"Sir, I feel obligated to tell you to stop, we're meant to bring him back alive"

"Didn't I tell you to shut up!" The man screamed. Pulling the trigger to shoot at the guards leg. "See what happens! When. You. Don't. Listen!"

"You... you shot me?" The guard fell back as his eyes widenedin shock. The two other man tensed as soon as the shot fired. The guard was relatively new and no one cared to warn him to never speak up, unless you're asked to.

"You... you shot me" the man mocked the guard's words "You're just as pathetic as this animal"

He turned back to Kai, who was lying on his side, breathing irregularity and covered in blood and dirt.

What a delightful sight, the man thought.

"This thing won't die as easily as you think... which makes it a couple times more fun, Don't you think?"

"Stomach it is..." he rubbed his hands together in excitement as Kai deflated even more.

He kicked, the hardest he could. Watching the boy fold in half as the air knocked out of his lungs.

"Kai! No!"

Help me... please.
I know I'm undeserving. But please...
Please let me out...

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