Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 The Fifth Ray of Light

    Gu Huhu was driving the car, and as soon as he looked up, he saw Gu Bandit staring out the window in a daze from the rearview mirror, and couldn't help saying: "Hey, Zai Zai and Qingqing are wearing the same clothes today?"

    Gu Bandit came back to his senses , turned to look at Gu Qingqing.

    Only then did she realize that Gu Qingqing had chosen a small dress that was exactly the same as hers, but hers was pink, while Gu Qingqing was wearing blue. Gu Qingqing did not bring any clothes to Gu's house. All the clothes in her closet were selected by Bandit Gu before she came.

    The same skirt was petite and cute when worn on Gu Bandit, but it was cold when worn on Gu Qingqing. The light from the car window shone on her body, forming a hazy halo, which even gave a sense of holiness.

    Gu Qingqing looked good in this dress, but Bandit Gu felt that it was a little weird.

    Where is the fault? Bandit Gu couldn't think of it for the time being.

    With such an interruption from Gu Huhu, the awkward atmosphere in the car finally dissipated, and soon, the car arrived at the shopping mall. The family left from the underground parking lot. The surrounding area was empty and dark, with only sporadic lights at the corner.

    There is no air-conditioning in the underground parking lot, and when you get out of the car, you will be greeted by a stuffy atmosphere.

    "Hmm..." The

    two mothers walked in front, and Bandit Gu stretched out to keep up with them. After walking a few steps, he found that Gu Qingqing was still standing there.

    Gu Qingqing held the door of the car with one hand, looked around timidly, her back was slightly arched, and she looked more and more weak and pitiful.

    Bandit Gu stopped in his tracks and looked back at her puzzled.

    What's wrong? Is it because I have never been to a big shopping mall or seen an underground parking lot before, so I am not used to it? Bandit Gu was about to extend a hand to Gu Qingqing, but she suddenly stood up straight and smiled slightly at her.

    "I was a little motion sick just now, and I've recovered." Gu Qingqing walked over and explained softly.

    "Is it okay?" Bandit Gu frowned.

    "It's okay, Bandit Gu, thank you for your concern." Gu Qingqing smiled softly.

    "Zaizai, Qingqing, what's the matter with you?" Gu Huhu's voice came from the front.

    "It's nothing! Here we come." Bandit Gu waved vigorously at her, leading Gu Qingqing towards the elevator.

    The elevator area of ​​this large shopping mall is very large, there is no one else in it, and it is more than enough to accommodate the four of them. But Bandit Gu noticed that Gu Qingqing was standing at the corner of the elevator almost subconsciously. Gu Qingqing still had a shallow smile, but a trace of

    confusion flashed in her eyes.

    The elevator went up one floor at a time, and finally stopped at the stationery area on the fourth floor. Bright light pours in from the outside, and when you walk out of the elevator, you will see a colorful scene, stationery, toys, all kinds of exquisite gadgets... Not far away is a large ice skating rink surrounded by glass, which oozes a little bit of cold air. On the other side is the toy car track, and several children are sitting on the side holding the remote control attentively.

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