Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 The Nineteenth Ray of Light

    It was only after self-study in the morning that get out of class ended, and another hot post appeared in the campus forum, which became popular all over the school.

    [Within five minutes, I want to get the contact information of this young lady! Ahhhhhh I'm dead! 】

    The main building of the post posted a profile photo. The girl was wearing a loose white shirt, half of which was casually tucked into the jeans, and the other half was scattered outside. The girl is slender and slender, with one side of her hair hanging naturally over her shoulders and the other behind her ears.

    It was obviously a set of clothes that looked ordinary, but she wore them with the temperament of a top alpha queen.

    As soon as the post was posted, the entire forum immediately exploded: "Oh my god, what a peerless beauty this is! Why didn't I notice that our school has such a beautiful alpha?

    " I ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!" - The classmate who posted this message was banned by the administrator for 10 days because his speech was unhealthy.

    "To tell you the truth, I have a friend who also wants her contact information."

    "Upstairs, I have a friend who also..."

    "Aren't you guys being too dishonest? Let me just say it, I, want to know This Miss Alpha, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The

    post reached more than 200 floors in an instant, and finally after more than ten minutes, someone weakly said: "Well... I am in the ordinary class, and this young lady is Gu Qing Qing."

    While replying, the classmate also glanced regretfully at Gu Qingqing - she really blinded herself a few days ago! Why didn't you notice that Gu Qingqing was so, so good-looking? When she thought that she hated Gu Qingqing because of Yang Xiaoxiao's words, she felt extremely regretful.

    Several other students in the class also replied one after another: "I testify, the young lady is indeed Gu Qingqing."

    ——When Gu Qingqing entered the classroom this morning, the whole class was stunned for a long time, almost unable to react.

    After these few replies appeared, the progress of building the whole post suddenly stopped, enough to imagine how shocked the people who read the post are now.

    A few minutes later, the post floor grew wildly again.

    "What's going on? Didn't you say that Gu Qingqing is ugly?"

    "It must be that the person who posted the photo yesterday purposely made a picture of him, making him ugly, disgusting!"

    "Oh my God! I thought it was an alpha in the photo , I didn’t expect ordinary people to be so good-looking, ahhhhhhh I’m dead! Can I

    confess my love to Gu Qingqing here?”

    “From today onwards, I’m Gu Qingqing’s face dog!”

    Someone said weakly : "Well... From the clarification made by the bandit sister yesterday, it can be seen that she and Gu Qingqing have a really good relationship. If you confess Gu Qingqing like this, you are not afraid of being targeted by the bandit sister? You must know whether it is for lovers, friends, As relatives, alphas are very possessive."

    "Then I will be Gu Qingqing's face dog, and at the same time I will be the bandit sister's little follower!"

    "Be the bandit sister's little follower!"

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