Chapter 47

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Chapter 47: The Forty-Seventh Ray of Light

    On Tuesday, the drama competition officially started. The school auditorium was full of people, and the curtain was lifted from the backstage, and it was dark at a glance.

    It will be the International Class B soon, and the students in the backstage are very busy. Xiang Xiaodong, who plays the role of the devil, is still holding the script and reciting the words over and over again, feeling extremely nervous.

    Gu Bandit was on the side, listening to Xi Wan's words: "Gu Xiao Bandit, just lie down with your eyes closed for a while, the audience can only see you at the beginning of the play, and a gauze curtain will rise outside the bed to block you, as long as you If you don't sit up, no one will know if you stick your booger inside." The

    corner of Gu Gui's mouth twitched slightly: "...I don't have that habit!"

    "Hey, for example, I'm afraid you'll be nervous." Xi Wan continued "Anyway, you can just lie down. It's most like a rehearsal. Gu Qingqing will borrow a seat and pretend to kiss you for a few seconds. After the kiss, sit up and we'll end the curtain perfectly!"

    "Got it." Gu Bandit agreed , looking back, in a tense atmosphere, Gu Qingqing sat in the corner with a calm expression, even a little absent-minded.

    Bandit Gu walked over and waved his hands in front of her.

    Gu Qingqing blinked blankly and came back to her senses: "...huh?"

    "Don't be nervous." Bandit Gu sat beside her and held her hand.

    "I didn't..." Gu Qingqing shook her head subconsciously, but her slightly trembling fingers betrayed her, so she simply stopped pretending, tilted her head and fell into Gu Bandit's arms, rubbing her ear tips reddishly.

    "Gu Xiaojie, this is the first time I've performed and spoken in front of so many people. I'm really scared."

    She was afraid that she would not be liked by others no matter what she did in the country, no matter what she did. It will bring ridicule and disgust from others.

    Bandit Gu hugged her tightly, and gently stroked her hair with his fingers.

    "Don't be afraid." Gu Biao said seriously, "During the rehearsal, you were very serious, you performed well, you were good-looking, and you were better than everyone else. So everyone will like you, and they have no reason not to like you .”

    "And for a while, I'll be watching you from the stage, and I'll be right next to you."

    "So don't be afraid, Gu Qingqing."

    Gu Bandit's voice was milky, but sonorous and powerful, full of respect for Gu Qingqing. trust.

    Gu Qingqing was silent for a moment, her body trembling slightly. Bandit Gu knew that she was smiling, lightly.


    And Qingqing! What are you doing, hey, it's our turn to play in ten minutes!" Xi Wan screamed and walked over at this moment.

    With Xi Wan's shout, all eyes from the backstage were focused.

    Bandit Gu's cheeks turned red all of a sudden, and he covered Gu Qingqing's head with his hands. Although she was just hugging and comforting Gu Qingqing, under the terrified gazes of Xi Wan and the surrounding students, why did she feel... somehow guilty?

    It's as if in public... did something strange?

    Before Bandit Gu could figure out what the strange thing was, Xi Wan's voice sounded again: "Little Bandit Gu, don't let go! Qingqing's appearance is going to be lost by you!

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