Chapter 68

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Chapter 68 - The Sixty-Eighth Ray of Light

    After nearly a night of tossing, Gu Qingqing finally fell asleep when the sky was approaching dawn.

    Bandit Gu wanted to sleep too, but she couldn't QAQ.

    In order to prevent himself from falling asleep and being unable to wake up, Gu Bandit simply dragged his tired body into the bathroom and took a shower. When the hot water rushed over his body, there was still a little pain, which made Gu Biao shiver several times unaccustomed.

    In order to make Gu Qingqing feel sleepy, she tried her best to restrain herself from not marking, and injected alpha pheromone into her glands several times.

    But every time she got the injection, Gu Qingqing curled up so weak that her eyes were red from crying, but once the injection was over, she immediately regained her strength and turned her hands on Gu Bandit.

    One night passed, although Gu Qingqing was not much better, but Bandit Gu really felt that he was about to be played to death.

    So tired, so sleepy.


    After dawn, Bandit Gu quickly put on his clothes, and sneaked out of the house while Gu Qingqing was still sleeping.

    When Bandit Gu arrived at the coffee shop, there was no one there. She immediately saw the woman with big red curly hair sitting by the window, smiling and waving at her.

    Bandit Gu sat over nervously: "Hello, Sister Xi."

    "Hello, kid." The little cousin smiled with vacant eyes, like a beautiful red-haired fox, "What would you like to drink?"

    "Anything is fine."

    "Then Ice Americano ?" The

    little cousin ordered coffee, and then took out an exquisite small box from her bag without haste, and got to the point: "Little friend, this is your ring."

    Gu Biao's eyes lit up all of a sudden.

    The little cousin slowly opened the wooden box, and when Bandit Gu saw the ring inside, he almost stood up in surprise.

    The ring is designed by "Princess and Knight". If you look closely, you will find that the slender platinum ring is actually like a knight's saber. The handle of the "sword" is surrounded by a small crown.

    Part knight, part princess.

    This is the design concept discussed by Gu Bandit and the little cousin.

    Since it wasn't a wedding ring, Gu Biao didn't add diamonds to it, but the platinum ring shimmered under the light of the cafe, clear and dreamy, enough to catch people's attention.

    Bandit Gu stared at the ring for a long time, finally looked away, took a sip of coffee, then stared at the little cousin obediently, blinking obediently.

    "Cough..." The little cousin almost blushed without showing her.

    Such an obedient little girl, is she really an alpha?

    "Little friend." The little cousin quickly suppressed her smile and tried to pretend to be serious, "Little friend, although our ring is a single ring, when we designed it, we always designed it according to the pair ring. You actually want the other half of the ring." Right ?" "Yeah." Gu     Bandit

    nodded and said obediently, "But Sister Xi, I don't have enough money for the time being, I'll come back when I earn enough."

Lost most of the bandit's property.

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