Chapter 44

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Chapter 44 The Forty-Fourth Ray of Light


    An old woman in her seventies and eighties appeared outside the courtyard of Gu Yuan's house with her back bent. The neighbor's big yellow dog stood up vigilantly, raised its tail and barked twice.

    The old woman shrank back subconsciously, and when she saw clearly that the big yellow dog was tied up, she immediately gave a disgusted "Pooh" at it, and spit flew over.

    The old woman walked outside the courtyard of Gu Yuan's house and knocked on the door. The yellow dog was frightened by her and barked even harder.

    In the end, no one from Gu Yuan’s house responded. Instead, the door of the neighbor’s house opened, and a man with bloodshot eyes and a scar on his face came out, and said impatiently, “Old woman, why are you knocking so early in the morning?

    ” Here?" Seeing someone coming out, the old woman hurriedly put on a smile, with creases all over her face, "You are Gu Yuan's husband?" The

    scarred man used to take advantage of Gu Yuan in his heart, but now he heard someone say he is Gu Yuan Husband, his eyes narrowed, and Thieves smiled and admitted: "Yes."

    "That's right, my name is He Huan, and Gu Yuan owes me a lot of money. If you don't believe me, let her come and see her." Me, I have owed this for more than ten years, and now I am an old woman who is almost too poor to survive, and it will be unreasonable for her not to pay back the money!" Unexpectedly, the old woman immediately changed her face when she saw him nodding, and said more and more. The more excited she is, the more likely she is pointing at the sky and scolding her mother.

    "I'm an old woman in her 60s. I walked hundreds of miles to find this place! Look at the clothes on my body, how torn, and my feet are almost broken!"

    Scar The man's face also darkened: "You said for a long time that you came to ask for debts, right? Gu Yuan has been dead for almost a year, and the money she owes is none of my business. You go to her grave yourself."

    "Dead?" The old woman was stunned.

    "Isn't that right? The grave is at the back of the mountain. Old woman, I'll show you the way. You can dig it yourself." The man with the scar yawned.

    "Hey, how can you, a young man, say that? You got together with her, and she owed money, and you won't help to pay it back?" The old woman was anxious, and rushed to grab Scar's arm.

    The scarred man didn't expect the old woman to be quite strong. Before he could react, he was dragged and fell to the ground. Unexpectedly, before he opened his mouth to scold, the old woman sat on the ground and spitting, crying loudly:     "

    Help me! It's unreasonable!

    Murder the old woman!"

The whole village was attracted, and even the big yellow dog was frightened and sat aside with its tail between its legs.

    The man with the scar suddenly stood up from the ground, rushed into the room cursing, and closed the door: "Pay back your mother's money! If you want money, go to Gu Yuan and her daughter, that... Gu Qingqing, she is popular with her parents in the city Go drink spicy food, how much you want!" The

    old woman's eyes lit up slightly, and she said to herself: "In the city..."

    Now the old woman didn't cry, make trouble, or mess around, and got up to knock on the knife again. The scar man's door, whispering softly: "Well, little brother, why does Gu Yuan's daughter have parents in the city? Aren't you her father?"

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