Chapter 48

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Chapter 48 The Forty-eighth Ray of Light

    After receiving the call from the security guard, Gu Huhu and Ju Yan rushed to the police station immediately.

    The old woman was still crazily saying things like "She was the one who dropped out the two children" and "She was Gu Bandit's grandma". She bit her to death and wanted to take Gu Bandit away unless the Gu family gave her a house and a large sum of money.

    But the police showed that Gu Yuan divorced his ex-husband when he was just pregnant, and his ex-husband died unexpectedly not long after. The old woman is indeed Gu Bandit's grandma in terms of blood, but from a legal perspective, she is not qualified to ask Gu Bandit to support her.

    Eighteen years ago, the police had found no evidence of the hospital's contract loss, but they discovered another incident by accident. When Gu Yuan had just given birth to Gu Bandit, that is, not long after the child was dropped, when she was raising Gu Qingqing alone in the city, the old woman came to her and asked her to change Gu Qingqing's surname to be the same as her son's.     Gu Yuan was unwilling, so the old woman stalked and harassed her, thinking of all kinds of dirty tricks. In the end, Gu Yuan had no choice but to give the old woman a sum of money, and took Gu Qingqing away and flew back to the countryside alone.     When the old woman got the money, she didn't continue to pester Gu Yuan. It wasn't until this year, after she squandered all the money, that she remembered that she still had a "granddaughter", so she traveled all the way to find her.     When the police told Gu Huhu and the two of them about these things, the old woman was still crying in the office and almost knocked off the desk of the policeman on duty.     Ju Yan glanced through the crack of the door, with a gentle smile, but a gleam of coldness flashed in his slightly narrowed eyes.     She and Gu Huhu discussed it outside the police station for a while, and then called someone.     Half an hour later, a van stopped at the gate of the police station. The old woman thought that Gu Huhu had already prepared a new house, and she was about to take her there, and got into the car happily.     The van drove out of the city and finally stopped at the gate of the madhouse.     The old woman screamed in horror and was taken in. The iron door was slowly closed, and Ju Yan waved to her with a gentle smile.

    After returning home, Gu Huhu and Ju Yan took the two children to have a hot pot meal, as if nothing happened, no one mentioned the old woman, the hot pot was bubbling and bubbling, in the small box The atmosphere is hot.

    After eating the hot pot, the family took a slow walk along the river bank to digest food. Colorful lights were reflected on the wide river, and people walking leisurely walked by from time to time. Tired from walking, Gu Huhu hugged Ju Yan's

    arm baby, then turned around and took Gu Qingqing's hand, Gu Huhu scratched his head and laughed beside him.


    After Bandit Gu returned home, he took off his hot pot-smelling clothes, and couldn't wait to jump into the bathtub and lie on his stomach, lazily soaking in a hot bath.

    Too many things happened today. First, Gu Qingqing kissed her on the stage, and then confessed to her that she liked her. Before she recovered, another person came who said she was her grandma...

    Until now, Bandit Gu Her little mind is still in a mess, and she needs time to relax.

    "Hmm--" Bandit Gu was lying in the water, stretching halfway, when there was a sudden knock on the bathroom door.

    Gu Qingqing's weak voice came from outside: "Brother Gu..."

    "What, what's the matter?" Bandit Gu shivered subconsciously, and sat in a ball in the water with his knees hugged.

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