Chapter 63

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Chapter 63

    The porters were very fast, but in less than half an hour, Gu Bandit and the others reached the top of the mountain from halfway up the mountain.

    Take another cable car and you will be at the Golden Summit.

    Maybe it's because the students haven't had a large number of holidays yet, there are not many people on the top of the mountain, and there are only Gu Bandit and Gu Qingqing on the cable car this time. Bandit Gu grabbed the edge of the cable car and looked down, a little afraid of heights, but trembling lightly because of the excitement.

    Gu Qingqing hugged her waist tightly beside her.

    A piece of lush jungle below, floating indistinct mist and clouds, the wind blows away. There were no people sitting on the front and rear cable cars, and the surroundings were very quiet, only the sound of the wind blowing through the woods.

    Bandit Gu turned around suddenly, stopped looking at the woods under the cable car, and looked at Gu Qingqing.

    At this time, Gu Qingqing was looking up at her intently, with a blue sky and white clouds reflected in her dark eyes.

    Bandit Gu lowered his head little by little, and Gu Qingqing hugged her waist tacitly, and sat up a little bit, and they got closer and closer until they only saw each other's shadow in their eyes.

    Then lightly touch the corner of each other's lips.

    Because of being on the cable car, it was just a taste, Gu Bandit gently brushed from the corner of Gu Qingqing's lips, to the side of the cheeks, the tip of the nose, to the center of the forehead, and finally back to the lips.

    Gu Qingqing held her face in her hands, their brows touched, and they smiled softly.

    After getting off the cable car, the golden dome is within a few steps. When the wind blows, there will be a faint fragrance of fragrant wax, and you can also hear the faint sound of bells and Buddhist music not far away. Walking on the bluestone path of Jinding, the whole person is immersed in it.

    The sun was very strong on the top of the mountain today, and Gu Bandit felt tired and hot after a while. It happened that there was a peddler on the side of the road freezing all kinds of drinks with mountain spring water. Bandit Gu's eyes lit up, and he dragged Gu Qingqing to buy them.

    After taking a sip of ice-cola, Gu Bandit regained his vitality in an instant, bouncing around and dragging Gu Qingqing around the small square in Jinding.

    The small square is surrounded by temples, and in the center is a huge six-faced Buddha statue, shrouded in mist.

    Going to the back of the square, there is another high platform called Juanyuntai. There are tall pine trees growing beside it, and the railings are covered with red ropes and iron locks. There are small golden characters written on the red ropes, and the iron locks are also engraved.

    "Gu Qingqing, where should we go?" Bandit Gu took Gu Qingqing's hand and walked towards the high platform.

    Gu Qingqing naturally had no objection and nodded fondly.

    "Are the two little benefactors going to Juanyuntai?" At this moment, an old monk next to them saw them and called out.

    Gu Bandit turned his head and saw that the old monk was wearing a simple monk's robe and had a kind face. There was a small table beside him, which was full of red strings and small iron locks that had not yet been inscribed.

    Gu Bandit walked over curiously: "Master, what are these?" The

    old monk said with a smile: "Naturally, they are used to pray for blessings. There are four joys in life, and the rain comes after a long drought. Night. The first three joys can be inscribed on the safety belt, and the last joy can be engraved on the concentric lock. After the consecration in the temple, the two benefactors will hang it on the rolling cloud platform in person."

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