Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

    Gu Biao: "..."

    Gu Biao lost his temper completely, she just felt a little emotional, how did the little girl who was like a dodder flower break in the wind, become like this now? One, set, no, off, her, the, thing!

    Bandit Gu let go of Gu Qingqing's cuffs, and the two walked quietly one after another along the edge of the sightseeing elevator on the sixth floor for a while.

    When Bandit Gu turned his head again, the blush on Gu Qingqing's face had disappeared, and her expression was as clear as usual.

    Gu Bandit recalled Gu Qingqing's snort on her glands just now, his cheeks pouted slightly, and he seemed to be nonchalant: "Gu Qingqing, are you really curious about the smell of my pheromone?"

    Gu Qingqing Nod seriously.

    "You will smell it in the future, but when the time may not think it smells good." Half a year later, Gu Qingqing will be able to smell it when she becomes an alpha, but Gu Qingqing, who is also an alpha, probably won't like her That's all.

    Bandit Gu sighed inexplicably, and leaned on the railing to look under the museum.     "I'll like it." Gu Qingqing

    stood on the side, looking at her very seriously, her eyes were as clear as a clear pool, "No matter what kind of pheromone it is, as long as it is yours, I will like it." Her

corners were pursed, she smiled uncontrollably, and muttered in a low voice: "...Little pervert."

    She stretched out a hand towards Gu Qingqing as if nothing had happened.

    Gu Qingqing held her hand, her ten fingers were naturally clasped together, and at some point a soft song played in the exhibition hall.


    the winter solstice this year happens to be on the weekend.

    After nine o'clock in the morning, the Gu family was very busy. Today, Gu Huhu didn't let the nanny and aunt come over, and the family made dumplings by themselves.

    Gu Huhu rolled out the dumpling wrappers, cut vegetables and stuffing, while the two children sat and watched. Bandit Gu propped his chin with his hands, his eyes sparkled, and if he saw something missing from Ju Yan, he would immediately hand it over to her.

    Gu Qingqing was helping Bandit Gu pay attention to the phone screen, which was hanging up and playing games, and at the same time looked at the two mothers curiously.

    Ju Yan noticed and looked at her tenderly: "Can Qingqing make dumplings?"

    "A little bit." Gu Qingqing nodded, "But in the past, in the countryside, there were rarely so many fillings." In the

    past, Gu Qingqing only made dumplings. It was stuffed with leeks and pork, unlike today's Gu's table, where lotus root, cabbage, corn, shrimp... all kinds of

    dishes are full.

    "Then Qingqing, come here and help Auntie chop some vegetables, okay?" Ju Yan asked.

    "Okay." Gu Qingqing got up and walked over, putting on her apron.

    While teaching her how to make dumpling stuffing, Ju Yan chatted: "Qingqing, did you eat dumplings during the winter solstice where you lived?"

    "No." Gu Qingqing shook her head and recalled, "Mutton is eaten there. During the winter solstice, there was a smell of broth on the road. So I saw two aunts chopping dumpling stuffing today, and I was a little curious." What

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