Chapter 65

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Chapter 65 The Sixty-fifth Ray of Light

    This is a hospital! ! !

    It doesn't matter if it's a hospital, but listening to the voice, why does Zai Zai look like the one below? She is an alpha! ! !

    It's too embarrassing for Alpha!

    Gu Huhu blushed, his mouth twitched, and he tapped his toes in embarrassment. She wanted to go a little further, but she was afraid that the two cubs would be overheard by other doctors and nurses, so she just stood there in a daze.

    After a while, Ju Yan came from not far away with various lists given by the doctor.

    Seeing Gu Huhu standing at the door blushing like a boiled shrimp, Ju Yan couldn't help frowning slightly: "What's wrong?

    " Afraid of being heard by the two cubs in the room, he had to try his best to lower his voice, "My wife, you will know when you come and listen, how can they be in the hospital...!"

    Ju Yan raised his eyebrows, walked over, and heard the voice inside. After the sound, she didn't blush, but calmly glanced at the glass window on the door of the ward.

    Gu Huhu: "——!" This is not very good, is it?

    She wanted to hold Ju Yan back, but she didn't dare, so she stood aside pitifully.

    Soon, Ju Yan retracted his target and gave her a strange look.

    "What are you thinking about?" Ju Yan slapped Gu Huhu lightly on the head, "The little gangster's leg hurts, Qingqing is helping her massage."

    "Ah? Massage?" Gu Huhu was stunned.

    "Otherwise?" Ju Yan smiled helplessly, "Do you think the little bandit is just like you when you were young, and dare to act recklessly in the hospital?"

    Gu Hupo scratched his head, not daring to speak, and blushed even more.

    She changed the subject weakly: "What did the doctor say just now?"

    Ju Yan chuckled lightly, and said, "Young bandit, she just has a simple cold this time, it's nothing serious, and she will recover soon."

    Gu Huhu buried her head: "..."

    That's right, I don't know how late it was last night, Xiao Zizi and Qingqing, can they not catch a cold?

    Of course, she dared not say this in front of Ju Yan.

    Ju Yan continued: "Isn't the little bandit's body unable to withstand the accumulation of pheromones before? The doctor also said that for some reason, her symptoms have eased in the recent period."

    "Zai Zai seems to have grown a little taller A little bit." Gu Huhu whispered.

    "Yes, this cold actually has this reason. Her body gradually

    recovered, but she couldn't adapt to it for a while. In addition, it was cold in the mountains yesterday, and she accidentally caught a cold. We happened to take her back to her hometown and raise her for a few days."

    Gu Huhu's hometown is in the nearby mountains, more than 50 kilometers away, and it can be reached by driving on the mountain road for half a day. In the past, when they went back to their hometown every year, they just went back to have a look, and left that night. But this year Bandit Gu caught a cold, and he happened to live in the mountains for a few days, allowing her to breathe more fresh air and keep healthy.     Gu

    Huhu nodded seriously, and then sighed again: "Then I can't beat this stick anymore?


Huhu: "..." The

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