Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

    Distressed and distressed, Gu Biao still couldn't help laughing, but when she smiled, Gu Qingqing cried even harder, and couldn't finish wiping away her tears.

    In the end, for some reason, Gu Qingqing cried and laughed along with her.

    "I..." Gu Qingqing sat up again, slowly took off the silk scarf, rubbed her eyes, and blushed vaguely, "I just like you...not really perverted."

    So, it won't I'm excited and even like it because of being hit.

    Bandit Gu nodded, very perfunctory: "Yeah, okay, okay."

    Gu Qingqing gave her a weak look, got up and went to wash up.

    Bandit Gu followed behind, still laughing non-stop. I didn't expect Gu Qingqing, a wicked person, to still be here today!

    After washing, the two lay back on the bed.

    Gu Biao was tossing and turning, unable to sleep. As soon as he closed his eyes, the kiss with Gu Qingqing in the pile of equipment appeared in his mind, and his glands were itchy uncontrollably.

    After turning over a few times, Gu Qingqing hugged her from behind: "Can't sleep?"

    Gu Qingqing's voice was sober, and it was obvious that she hadn't fallen asleep, but it was probably because, recalling the scene just now, she was so ashamed that she couldn't fall asleep .

    Bandit Gu let out a "hmm".

    "Why?" Gu Qingqing asked softly.

    Bandit Gu didn't answer, but felt the temperature behind him, but the glands itched even more. She didn't know that her relationship with Gu Qingqing was okay before, but now that she knows, the two of them are lying on the same bed. As an alpha, how could she not feel anything at all!

    Gu Qingqing was silent and moved closer, Gu Bandit curled up reflexively.

    "The gland is uncomfortable?" Gu Qingqing realized it, and asked softly, "May I massage it for you?" Bandit Gu gave a soft "huh"


    Gu Qingqing got out of bed and took out the massage wet tissue and quasi-pheromone, and quickly sat back. Bandit Gu turned over, plucked his hair, and exposed the glands on the back of his neck.

    Gu Qingqing thought for a while, turned over and sat on her back, covered the wet tissue with familiarity, and pressed it gently. Since moving into Gu Bandit's room, she has pressed Gu Bandit's glands many times, and she is already very familiar with it by now.

    Bandit Gu stretched his arms and yawned, letting the pheromones in the glands leak out under the guidance of quasi-pheromones, and he relaxed.

    The room was

    very , and for a while, there was only the sound of wet paper towels rubbing against each other. Bandit Gu stopped thinking about it, and stretched his body lazily, chatting with Gu Qingqing.

    Bandit Gu: "Gu Qingqing, I'm sorry just now, I won't tease or laugh at you in the future."

    Gu Qingqing: "..."

    Her massage movements obviously paused.

    Bandit Gu suppressed his laughter and changed the subject: "Gu Qingqing, have you thought about the future?"

    "The future?" Gu Qingqing asked.

    "Well, for example, what kind of university do you want to go to, what kind of job do you want to do, and what kind of life do you want to live?" Gu Bandit thought for a while, "I used to be a person who didn't pursue much, and I just wanted to be a salted fish with peace of mind. If Gu Huhu If she wants to hand over the company to me, then I will try hard to take over. If she also wants me to be a salted fish, then I will not care about it. I will grow up under the protection of my mothers, and then I will be happy with them forever live together."

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