Chapter 70

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Chapter 70 The Seventieth Ray of Light

    Time passed bit by bit, Gu Bandit's family went out for another vacation, and when they came back, it was the end of July, the birthdays of Gu Bandit and Gu Qingqing.

    Because this was Gu Qingqing's first birthday party after she came back, Gu Huhu slapped her head and decided to make it a very grand event, giving the two daughters plenty of face. So at noon, in the manor on the outskirts of the city, a large group of people who were acquainted and unknown in business were entertained, and the Wan family over Ju Yan was naturally indispensable.

    Almost everyone in the circle knew that Gu Bandit and Gu Qingqing were real and fake daughters. Although at Mr. Wan's dinner before, some people knew that their relationship was not bad, but most of them still didn't believe it.

    Gu Huhu and Ju Yan's business is not small. In front of family property, even sisters may turn against each other, let alone true and false daughters who are not related by blood.

    Many people scoff at the saying that "true and fake daughters live in harmony", just waiting to see a joke.

    However, at the luncheon, Bandit Gu and Gu Qingqing slapped those people in the face as soon as they came out.

    Wearing a pair of dresses with similar styles, the two walked among the guests, interlocking their fingers naturally from time to time, or subconsciously helping each other out of drinking. When there was no one else around, when they chatted with each other, even the bottom of their eyes were gentle and sweet, without any trace of acting.

    At the end of the luncheon, Gu Bandit and Gu Qingqing were sitting in their seats. Gu Bandit instinctively moved to the side and rested on Gu Qingqing's shoulder.

    Gu Qingqing gently stroked her hair.

    A friend of Gu Huhu's was chatting with her. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help sighing, "Those two children in your family are really a couple..."

    Gu Huhu frowned.

    The friend also immediately realized that he had used the wrong words, and immediately changed his words: "I mean, the two sisters look really suitable, unlike the two children in my family who quarrel all day long, and I am annoyed when I hear it."

    Bandit Gu frowned It went a little deeper: "..."

    This friend of hers only has one child, and that child was married last year.

    "Ahem..." The friend came back to his senses and coughed awkwardly, "I mean, the little bandit and Qingqing have such a good relationship, and they will definitely be able to take care of your company together. The little bandit is so delicate, now he has After Qingqing, I'm not afraid that no one will take care of her in the future..."

    Gu Huhu almost jumped up and beat his friend on the head violently.

    Why do you keep talking more and more wrong?


    At three o'clock in the afternoon, the luncheon was over, and the family went back to prepare for today's dinner.

    The dinner party was much simpler. All the students invited were Gu Bandit and Gu Qingqing's classmates. Gu Huhu hired someone to arrange a pool party, and it was all about letting them have a good time.

    Gu Bandit and Gu Qingqing were a little dizzy after drinking at noon. When they got home, they hugged each other and went to bed first, and then they woke up at night.

    Bandit Gu held Gu Qingqing in his arms, dreaming in a daze of a system that hadn't appeared for a long time.


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