Chapter 60

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Chapter 60 The Sixtieth Ray of Light

    The lights in the spare classroom were not turned on, only a few rays of scorching sun poured in through the cracks in the curtains, drawing long orange marks on the desks.

    The weather is very hot, but the classroom covered by curtains gives people a cold feeling. From time to time, students taking pictures ran past the window, leaving behind a string of loud laughter, which contrasted sharply with the quiet classroom.

    Bandit Gu leaned over and injected the pheromone into the gland, but before completing the temporary marking, he restrained himself and stepped back, leaning his back on the podium and sitting down, breathing heavily.

    Bandit Gu's movements were very light, and the strength was just right, and he didn't even leave teeth marks on the glands.

    She couldn't help but licked her teeth, and swallowed all the sweet iris fragrance that remained between her teeth.

    "Cub cub...?" Feeling that the oppression of alpha pheromone suddenly disappeared, but no mark was formed, Gu Qingqing turned her head in confusion, trembling like a slight cry.

    Although it was not marked, the moment the alpha pheromone exploded in the gland just now brought Gu Qingqing a huge sense of oppression, and physiological tears once again filled her eyes.

    Bandit Gu didn't answer, but waved at her.

    Gu Qingqing took a step back while supporting the table, sat next to Bandit Gu, and then leaned softly in her arms.

    Gu Qingqing closed her eyes and rested for a while before she recovered.

    She couldn't help but think that pheromone is really a wonderful thing. Even though Bandit Gu is usually so weak, he couldn't move when he was hugged by her just now, and his face was so red. Now just injecting a little bit of pheromone into her glands has made her limp and weak.

    The corners of Gu Qingqing's lips pursed into a faint smile.

    But... she also likes it.

    "Gu Qingqing..." Bandit Gu grabbed her head, stroked her hair with his fingers, and explained in a soft voice, "Just now, I didn't complete the mark, not because I didn't want to..."

    "I know." Gu Qingqing Said softly, she squinted and smiled softly.

    Gu Qingqing felt that pheromones cannot lie. Gu Bandit's pheromones are full of possessiveness and unspeakable deep liking. It is clearly the bright and gentle sunshine breath, which spreads in her blood at this time, but it is a bit scorching|hot.

    Bandit Gu nodded and continued in a low voice: "It's just that the doctor said that we have done temporary marking too many

    times , and it is very addictive. I'm afraid that if I don't restrain myself one day, I will mark it permanently in a daze. In that case... ...It's too informal."

    Gu Bandit is going to formally confess his love to Gu Qingqing after the entrance exam, and if he marks it permanently, at least he will have to wait until then.

    Gu Qingqing opened her eyes, and repeated softly: "I know."

    After a moment's pause, Gu Qingqing continued: "But, I feel like I'm addicted."

    Gu Qingqing moved to Gu Bandit's neck and gently Sniff lightly.

    She seemed to see a ray of sunlight spreading from Gu Bandit until it filled the originally gloomy classroom.

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