Chapter 29

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Chapter 29 The Twenty-Ninth Ray of Light

    After school, the students in the international class left the classroom one by one, and soon only Gu Bandit and Gu Qingqing were left.

    Bandit Gu packed his schoolbag, but he didn't intend to leave.

    She propped her chin with one hand and stared at Gu Qingqing with dissatisfaction: "Gu Qingqing, didn't you say you want to go to the rocket class?"

    "Yes." Gu Qingqing looked innocent, "I regret it." "I regret it.

    " Why didn't you tell me? It's been two days...!" Bandit Gu said aggrievedly.

    "I want to give you a surprise." Gu Qingqing said softly, "You...don't want me to come to the international class?"

    "I..." Bandit Gu paused for a moment, then shook his head, "Why would I want you to come here! Seeing, meeting, and sleeping together at home every day, I have spent a lot of time together, so I didn't want to be in the same class with you! No!"

    Gu Qingqing chuckled: "Yeah, no, no."

    She did it again A sincere apology, with a pitiful expression on his face: "It was my fault for not telling you right away, forgive me, okay... Bandit Gu?"

    Bandit Gu snorted, waiting for Gu Qingqing to pull her back The cuffs are coquettish.

    After waiting for a few seconds, Gu Qingqing didn't move, and kept the expression she had just now. Gu Biao felt a little disappointed, but still breathed out: "Okay, I forgive you."

    From the night after the midterm exam ended, Gu Qingqing never took the initiative to alienate Gu Biao, but she never took the initiative to approach her as before. . Bandit Gu no longer asked, and he no longer felt blocked, and the relationship between the two became somewhat subtle for no reason.

    As soon as they left the school gate, the two saw Gu Hu's car parked outside.

    These two days, Gu Huhu and Ju Yan were not busy with work, so they simply sent them to and from school.

    After getting into the car, Gu found that the car was a little different from usual. There were a lot of things piled up in the back seat, and the remaining space was only enough for her and Gu Qingqing to sit together.

    "Gu Huhu, where's your trunk?" Bandit Gu elongated his voice dissatisfied.

    "Ahem..." Gu Huhu scratched his head, "Isn't this too much to fit? Zai Zai, you and Qingqing feel wronged and sit together. No, you are so thin, so it's not crowded. You can just sit together, Zai Zai." Sit down obediently and don't make a fuss."

    Gu Qingqing sat inside and made room for Bandit Gu to sit by the window.

    Bandit Gu snorted softly, sat up and closed the car door.

    "Let's go!" Gu Huhu stepped on the accelerator, and the speed of the car suddenly increased.

    "Eh...?" Bandit Gu was

    stunned , "Aren't you going home?"

    "Not going home, go on an outing!" Gu Huhu said loudly.

    Ju Yan turned his head, Wen Sheng explained: "Didn't we say during the summer vacation that we would take you and Qingqing out to play? Today is Friday, and we happen to be on vacation, so we wanted to go camping in the outskirts of the city together."

    Gu Huhu He added: "There are snacks in the back of the car, you can take them yourself if you want to eat them."

    Bandit Gu's eyes lit up, and when he turned his head, he saw a large bag of snacks piled on top.

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