Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 The Sixteenth Ray of Light

    Xi Wan's terrified screams resounded throughout the teaching building.

    It was rare for Mr. Yang not to get angry. He just smiled and patted Xi Wan on the shoulder, then looked at Gu Bandit, "Gu Xiao Bandit, come with me to the office?"

    "...Oh." Gu Bandit nodded reluctantly.

    Seeing the two walking away, Xi Wan slipped back into the classroom like the wind, as if she had been pardoned.


    The office of the international class is very large. Gu Bandit and Mr. Yang are sitting opposite each other on two small sofas. There is a flat panel on the coffee table in the middle. On the screen are... the faces of Gu Huhu and Ju Yan.

    Bandit Gu clenched his fingers—not because he was nervous, but because it was the first time he had a video call with his parents in front of outsiders, and he felt a little ashamed.

    Ju Yan saw that Gu Bandit was not used to it, and said gently, "Mr. Yang, shall we chat with the bandit alone first?"

    "Of course, you guys talk first." Old Yang walked out of the office holding a cup of tea with a smile.

    As soon as Mr. Yang left, Bandit Gu's posture changed. He relaxed on the sofa and said coquettishly to the tablet: "Mom, Mom, aren't you busy with business trips? Why are you videoing with me all of a sudden?"

    "Well, Zai Zai..." Gu Hupo scratched his head, "We already know what happened on the forum."

    Gu Bie was slightly stunned, and slowly sat up straight.

    He could guess that the anonymous person in the group and the person who moved the chat history to the forum must be Chen Xiaoxian. However, the Chen family and the Gu family had a good relationship, and the two families still had business contacts. The two mothers were out of town and couldn't make it back. Bandit Gu didn't want to bother them, but planned to call the police by himself.

    Since it is a matter of their generation, let them solve it by themselves. She doesn't want to bother the mothers.

    Ju Yan saw Gu Bandit's thoughts, smiled gently, and reached out to touch the screen, as if touching her face: "Silly boy, of course the teacher will tell us about such a big matter. Now the person who posted the post has been found out, Qing Qing's class teacher is also comforting her, and we happened to discuss together how to deal with this matter."

    Only then did Bandit Gu realize that the gossip group is small and it is a non-governmental organization, so it is normal for no one to care about it. But the campus forum is open to the whole school. As early as the first time the post was fermented, some teachers noticed that this was not a small matter, and the school was afraid that it would not be responsible for an accident, so it immediately informed Gu's parents.

    Just after the IP address of the person who posted it was found, the forum administrator deleted and banned the post, but all kinds of discussion posts are still springing up like mushrooms after rain

    , and it is impossible to delete them all. Not to mention the forum, many students offline are discussing this matter.

    "The person who posted the post... is Chen Xiaoxian?" Bandit Gu asked softly.

    Gu Huhu nodded and sighed: "That child from the Chen family... oh."

    Gu Huhu had a good impression of Chen Xiaoxian before, and often took her and Gu Bandit out to play, but when he was freshman in high school, Gu Bandit didn't know what was going on. , insisted on severing ties with Chen Xiaoxian, and even transferred classes for this reason. Although Gu Huhu didn't know exactly what happened, she believed that her daughter would never be wrong. From then on, she decided that Chen Xiaoxian must be a bad boy, and she even had less contact with the Chen family.

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