Chapter 69

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Chapter 69 - The Sixty-ninth Ray of Light

    Bandit Gu blushed thoroughly.

    Gu Qingqing was not much better.


    A few seconds later, Bandit Gu let out another weak hiccup, breaking the silence in the room.

    Bandit Gu trembled.

    Is it too late to say that I didn't see anything?

    Gu Qingqing smiled gently at her as if she had finally come to her senses. Even though he smiled so softly, Bandit Gu felt the hairs in his heart, and couldn't hold it back, hiccupping several times in a childish voice.

    "Am I cute?" Gu Qingqing raised her hand to rub her cat ears, smiled, and asked softly like a broken jar.

    Bandit Gu didn't even dare to look at Gu Qingqing again, but he still nodded violently.

    Gu Qingqing asked again: "Am I cute, or is the cat cute?"

    Gu Bandit didn't dare to hesitate a bit: "You are cute! No matter how cute the cat is, it can't compare to my Qingqing!"

    Gu Qingqing nodded, and said "oh" slowly With a sound, he closed his eyes and walked towards Bandit Gu step by step.

    Bandit Gu watched Gu Qingqing approaching a little bit, not to mention backing away, he didn't even dare to move, only dared to wink at her pitifully.     Finally, Gu Qingqing

    stopped in front of her, lifted her chin with the belt at the end of the thin iron chain, and asked with a slight smile, "I've been busy with the kitten all day today, are you tired?"

As soon as she moved, she saw Gu Qingqing's smile turn cold, she shook her head hurriedly: "No, not tired! Not tired at all!"

    "Are you sleepy?" Gu Qingqing asked again.

    "Not sleepy!"

    "Want to sleep?"

    " No!" "Do you

    like cute kittens?"

    "No..." Gu Bandit reacted in time before he almost gave the wrong answer, nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "I don't like other kittens, but like my family Qing... a kitten like Qingqing!"

    In order to survive, her face I don't want it anymore, but I can say such nasty words QAQ without changing my face.

    Gu Qingqing nodded slowly again, leaned into her ear, and softly asked the last question: "Want to play with the kitten?"

    Gu Bandit: "!!!"

    "...Yes." Her voice dropped suddenly Going down, my throat is a little sore because of tension.

    Gu Qingqing didn't back away, her teeth brushed against the tips of her ears, causing her to tremble and whimper uncontrollably. She heard Gu Qingqing continue: "Then put on your swimsuit, let's go to the swimming pool and play slowly."

    Gu Qingqing pronounced her words heavily and spoke very slowly, especially the last three words, which made Bandit Gu feel numb all over and leaned limply against the door frame.

    It's summer and the pool in the backyard has been cleaned and replaced with fresh water. These days, they would go to play inside from time to time. Of course, the "play" that Gu Qingqing said now has a different meaning from their usual "play".

    Bandit Gu flinched, his heart was beating loudly, but he hesitated.

    "But..." Gu Gui said weakly, "What should I do if my mother sees it?

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