Chapter 28

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Chapter 28 The Twenty-Eighth Ray of Light

    "The exam is over..." As soon as the

    bell rang, Gu Bandit yawned boredly, packed his schoolbag and went back to the international class to rest.

    The midterm exam has just ended, and it is now the beginning of November, half a month has passed since the last accident.

    Chen Xiaoxian never came to school again. Bandit Gu heard from Gu Huhu that Chen Xiaoxian seemed to have followed her mother back to her natal home and was planning to transfer schools.

    What Gu Bandit didn't know was that after returning to her mother's house, Chen's mother had a big fight with her family. In the end, she didn't get divorced and went back to Chen's house alone. As for Chen Xiaoxian...she was sent back to her hometown in the countryside. If she continued to think about crooked ways all day long, she might not be able to return in this life.

    Not to mention Chen Xiaoxian.

    Bandit Gu thought that after going through this kind of thing together, the relationship between her and Gu Qingqing would be better. If they were friends before, now... at least they should be good girlfriends, right?

    But no.

    After coming out of the hospital, Gu Qingqing's attitude towards her suddenly changed. Although she was still very gentle and obedient, Bandit Gu always felt that there was a little alienation in it.

    For example, holding hands, Gu Qingqing would take the initiative to hold hands with those who used to hold hands often. But even if she went to hold Gu Qingqing now, Gu Qingqing would find an opportunity to withdraw her hand without showing any trace.

    And sleeping together at night, although Gu Biao put a cat toy between the two of them as a boundary, even if they crossed the boundary once in a while, accidentally hugging each other once or doesn't matter. But in the past two weeks, Gu Qingqing hugged the cat and curled up in the corner of the bed every night, with her back to Bandit Gu. People who didn't know saw it and thought that Bandit Gu bullied her.     Now that it's late autumn, the season change period has passed, and after Gu Bandit's disorder has eased, Gu Qingqing no longer cooks pear soup for her, but replaces it with small desserts. It's delicious, but Gu Qingqing never wants to eat with her.     Bandit Gu was very depressed.     A humming sound suddenly sounded beside him, Gu Bandit turned his head and saw Xi Wan tidying up the desk with an unstoppable smile on his face.

    "Gu Xiaojie, I have some good news for you." Seeing Gu Biao looking at her, Xi Wan said with a smile, "My family Xiaoxiao has allowed me to sit at the same table with her, so I'll move there right now!"

    Gu Biao was taken aback: "I didn't Are you at the same table?"

    Xi Wan also froze for a moment, then nodded solemnly: "Yes, Comrade Gu, you are not at the same table."

    After finishing speaking, she happily picked up a table of books and ran to Liu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao I'm coming hahahahahaha! "

    ...Evaluate sex over friends." "Gu Bie muttered, and felt even more depressed in an instant.

    The other people in the classroom quickly left, and Gu Bie lay on the seat for a while. In the evening, the warm autumn sun shone on his face through the cracks in the curtains. Comfortable.

    Gu Bandit fell asleep without knowing it.

    When Gu Qingqing came down from the upstairs, she could see from a distance in the empty classroom, only Gu Bandit was lying on the table, with slightly curly long hair tied into a ponytail The setting sun was dyed with a layer of soft brilliance. The

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