Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 The Twenty-Third Ray of Light

At close range, the fragrance of the shower gel floated into his nose again, and Gu Bandit swallowed, his throat rising and falling slightly.

Gu Qingqing's cold side face when she threw Chen Xiaoxian out of the classroom flashed inexplicably in her mind, and Gu Bandit's whole aura weakened. Tsundere, don't, don't, don't talk nonsense!"

"But..." But Gu Bandit, every time you say something that is not what you mean.

Just as Gu Qingqing spoke, unexpectedly, Bandit Gu trembled in fright at her voice, and almost fell off the chair. Gu Qingqing hurriedly reached out to hold her back, and straightened her up.

Bandit Gu hugged the back of the chair and buried his head in his arms like an ostrich.

Gu Qingqing wanted to say something to comfort her, but in the end she just opened her mouth and said nothing. She quietly turned back to the desk, checked the exercises again, and when she looked at Gu Bandit again, her expression gradually returned to normal.

"I'm done." Gu Qingqing pushed the exercise book in front of Gu Bandit, "I'm sorry, Gu Bandit."

"Well, let me help you check the wrong questions. If you feel bored, let's play the game first." Bandit Gu also said calmly.

The interaction between the two suddenly became extremely polite.

However, it didn't take long for this polite atmosphere to be broken again.

Bandit Gu helped Gu Qingqing finish the exercises, and habitually glanced at Gu Qingqing. She looked down at the phone screen, with a faint smile on her lips.

"Did you win?" Gu Bandit moved closer and looked at the phone from a short distance away. However, Gu Qingqing is not in the game level now, but is curiously groping on the main interface, and the smile on her cheek is getting bigger and bigger. more obvious.

Bandit Gu's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly had a bad premonition.

Sure enough, following Gu Qingqing's gaze, she was looking at Gu Bandit's game id - "Bandit Cub". What's worse, Gu Qingqing stretched out her hand and clicked on the ugly lizard man on the main interface, and a line of words appeared immediately under him: "Bandit boy, I didn't expect you to be so good at it."

Finally, the smile on Gu Qingqing's face couldn't be held back, and she burst into full bloom. She looked up at Gu Bandit, and repeated with a light smile: "Bandit boy, I didn't expect you to be so good at it."

No! think! you! Actually! Good mouth!

Bandit Gu is about to explode, what kind of broken game is this! I thought it would be fine to change to an ugly lizard uncle, but who would have thought that he could say such insane words! Gu Bandit is really just a hardcore tower defense player

! She has no interest in the beautiful girls in the second dimension at all, and even less in the uncle lizard man!

Bandit Gu felt that he would not be able to clean himself up by jumping into the Yellow River.

No, Gu Qingqing is obviously there! tease! she!

She is the reason! meaning! of!

After bowing his head and being silent for a few seconds, Bandit Gu put on a serious face and reached out his hand: "Mobile phone."

Gu Qingqing obediently placed the phone in her palm.

Bandit Gu looked at the exercise set with a stern face again, without any fluctuation in his voice: "Now I will give you a lecture."

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