Chapter 72

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Chapter 72

    The first time Gu Qingqing met Bandit Gu was in the office of the county government.

    Before this, she was told that she was not Gu Yuan's biological daughter, and that she was hugged wrongly in the hospital eighteen years ago.

    She sat on the bench in the hall with Gu Yuan, nervously waiting for the arrival of the Gu family. Later, she will exchange household registration information with another alpha girl named Gu Bandit.

    "Are you afraid?" Gu Yuan asked gently, holding Gu Qingqing's hand.

    Gu Qingqing hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

    Even though she knew it was just a process and she would still stay by Gu Yuan's side, Gu Qingqing was still a little unspeakably afraid. In addition to being afraid, I was also a little curious, what would Bandit Gu... Gu Yuan's biological daughter be like?

    In the hospital before, Gu Huhu showed them the pictures of Gu Biao when he was a child. He was round and cute like a milk dumpling. But after all, the time has passed too long, and by now, it should have become unrecognizable.

    As for the alphas, they should all be tall and tall, with a bit of arrogance and a bit of a dignified temperament, right?

    Gu Qingqing guessed nervously.

    "Don't be afraid, Aunt Gu and Aunt Ju are very good people, and the little gangster must be too. From today on, we and them can be regarded as family members in a certain sense." Gu Yuan comforted me gently, and suddenly, her phone It rang.

    Gu Yuan looked at the phone, and immediately smiled gently: "Qingqing, they're here, look."

    Gu Qingqing turned her head, and saw a very expensive black SUV parked on the small road in the county town . She got up nervously, and followed Gu Yuan to meet him.

    The SUV's door opened.

    Through the stained glass door, Gu Qingqing saw a little girl jumping out of the car and stretching cutely, like a... soft milk dumpling.

    He is obviously an eighteen-year-old adult, but his temperament is exactly the same as in the photo.

    The little girl was wearing a small red dress, and her beautiful red leather shoes gleamed in the sun. She was petite, fair-skinned, with exquisite and lovely features, and her long, slightly curly hair was tied into double ponytails, swaying and full of vitality.

    Gu Qingqing froze in place.

    Bandit Gu is not at all the same as the alpha she imagined. Rather, if she is not sure that she is an alpha, Gu Qingqing will definitely think that she is a cute omega. If it

    wasn't for Bandit Gu's resemblance to Gu Yuan, Gu Qingqing would have thought that she had made a mistake.

    The little girl outside the door also noticed her gaze, suddenly raised her head, looked at Gu Qingqing inside the glass door, and smiled sweetly at her.

    At that moment, Gu Qingqing felt as if light was shining on her.

    The whole body becomes warm.

    Soon, the Gu family came over, Gu Yuan led Gu Qingqing, and introduced them to each other.

    When he arrived at Bandit Gu, Gu Yuan rubbed Gu Qingqing's head and said with a smile, "If I remember correctly, the little bandit was born a few minutes before Qingqing. Qingqing is called the little bandit sister."

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