Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

    In fact, when Gu Huhu asked this sentence, he didn't mean anything else.

    Alphas in the susceptible period will be extremely irritable, especially when their brains are not sober and lose their minds, they need the comfort of omega. At this time, omega approaching them is equivalent to a sheep entering a tiger's mouth, especially an omega who is in estrus, is likely to be permanently marked by the irresistible alpha. However, Gu Qingqing is just an ordinary person, so naturally she won't be hurt by Bandit Gu.

    So what Gu Hupo said was asking if Gu Qingqing was beaten by bandit Gu.

    Bandit Gu beat Gu Huhu indiscriminately during several susceptible periods before she became an adult. Although she was not strong and the beatings were not heavy, every time Gu Huhu recalled it, she felt angry and funny.

    That brat Gu Bandit is just a heartless little white-eyed wolf.

    "No..." As soon as Gu Qingqing spoke, she felt a warmth on the back of her neck.

    Bandit Gu, who was lying obediently just now, came up to her at some point, maybe following the scent of shower gel, he walked towards her neck...and her shoulders in a daze.

    Obviously when he was taking a bath in the bathtub just now, Bandit Gu had already bitten it to his heart's content, but now he instinctively opened his mouth and bit the back of Gu Qingqing's neck.

    The feeling of teeth rubbing is not painful, but it is very itchy, and there is also a little numbness.

    Gu Qingqing's whole body tensed up, she bit her lip, and tried her best not to make any strange noises.

    On the other end of the phone, Gu Huhu's voice

    was puzzled: "Qingqing?" There was no pheromone there, and he let go quickly, lying on her shoulder like a baby and rubbing lightly.

    Gu Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief: "No, Aunt Gu, the little bandit didn't do anything."

    "That's good." Gu Huhu didn't doubt at all, "Then Qingqing, don't worry too much, alpha is not that delicate, lock her in the room for one night, and when she wakes up tomorrow, she will recover. I will tell the nanny later, let her pay attention tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and just cook some nutritious meals."

    Gu Huhu ordered a few more words, and then hung up the phone.

    Gu Huhu said it lightly, but Gu Qingqing still felt a little worried when she looked at Bandit Gu who was still hanging on her body and rubbing against her.

    "Be good, baby, don't move around." Gu Qingqing took Gu Bandit's hand, opened the mobile browser and searched: How to get along with alphas in the susceptible period when drunk.

    Soon Gu Qingqing found a post asking for help: [Urgent! My alpha friend came to stay at my house, we drank some wine, and it happened to be her susceptible period, what should I do? 】

    The replies in the post are also varied.

    【The landlord, are you an omega? If yes, go ahead! Soothe her, fuck her! Give her some omega pheromones! It will be even easier if you are in estrus, and you just get together as a pair to mark it. 】

    This reply made Gu Qingqing blush, and was about to quit the post, but saw the reply from the host: 【No, I'm a beta, so I can't appease her. 】

    Although beta has undergone differentiation, they cannot perceive the existence of pheromones. Among the three genders of ABO, they are the most similar to ordinary people. Gu Qingqing didn't push it out, but continued to look back.

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