Chapter 67

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Chapter 67 - The Sixty-Seventh Ray of Light

    Bandit Gu looked at the kitten, then at Gu Qingqing, the smile on his face stiffened suddenly, and he shrank weakly and sat on the bed.

    It's just... embarrassing.

    When she sucked the kitten's belly just now, she felt that she was perverted. Now that Gu Qingqing saw it, she suddenly felt even more perverted and guilty.

    Gu Qingqing tilted her head and smiled: "Aunt Ju is afraid that you will be bored by yourself, so let me come back to accompany you."

    "Gu...Qingqing, when did you come back?" Gu asked weakly.

    "It started when you named the kitten Qingqing." Gu Qingqing was very calm.

    She went up to the bed and took a step. Gu Bie hugged the kitten and retreated a little into the bed.

    Gu Qingqing took off her shoes, sat on the bed, and moved to Gu Bandit's position. In the end, Bandit Gu was forced to the corner and couldn't move back, so he could only lift up the kitten and block it in front of him.

    "Why is it called Qingqing?" Gu Qingqing hugged the kitten and rubbed its head.

    "Because..." Gu Biao rolled his eyes, "Does it sound good?"

    She couldn't say it because she wanted to see the cat and miss others, so she thought the kitty could be Gu Qingqing's substitute cat!

    "Oh...that's it." Gu Qingqing seemed to be thinking about it seriously, and picked up the ending, "I think Zai Zai is also very nice, why don't you call it Zai Zai?"

    Gu Biao blushed suddenly and shook her head violently : "No! No way!"

    It's too embarrassing to call him Zai Zai.

    Gu Qingqing raised her eyebrows, as if she was asking her if she could do it lightly, why not Zai Zai.

    Bandit Gu tugged at Gu Qingqing's sleeve, and said coquettishly, "Because I'm the only one in the family..."

    Gu Qingqing's eyes softened visibly.

    Bandit Gu knew that as long as he acted coquettishly again, Gu Qingqing would agree.

    Although she is an alpha, but... what's wrong with an alpha acting like a baby? As long as Gu Qingqing likes it, isn't it just acting like a baby? Anytime, anywhere, it doesn't matter!

    Bandit Gu raised his head carefully, kissed Gu Qingqing's cheek, and groped forward with his fingers, hooking Gu Qingqing's fingertips.

    Such a weak touch made Gu Qingqing blush.

    Gu Qingqing was about to nod, but Ju Yan suddenly came in from the door and looked at them with a chuckle: "Little bandit, Qingqing, what were you talking about just now? I seem to hear that you are naming the kitten?"

    Gu Qingqing The gangster was frightened by the sudden appearance of Ju

    Yan, and his brain froze, and subconsciously replied obediently: "Well, I want to name the cat Qingqing, but Qingqing wants to call the cat Zaizai..."

    Before she could finish speaking, Ju Yan chuckled and nodded, and it was finalized: "Then call me Qing Zai Zai, Qing Qing's Qing, bandit Zai Zai's Zai Zai, just right."

    After saying that, Ju Yan left, with a handsome back, and stayed in the room. The two children looked at each other blushingly, and a little milk cat who didn't understand the situation: "...Meow?"

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