Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 The Fourteenth Ray of Light

    "In the first photo, I was unhappy because she could cook better food, but she was harsh on herself and didn't take her body seriously! I walked away because I went to help her cook food!" Gu Piyang Picking up her head, she explained, "In the second photo, I don't know why she got down on the ground, but I can be sure, she must, must, no, yes, cry! I ate with her, if she cried , I must be able to detect it."

    "There is also a third photo, she was bullied by the gangsters in the class, I found a place for her, and I don't know why it was photographed as me lifting her table..." Gu The bandit stretched out his hand to poke Xi Wan's head, with a helpless tone, "Xi Wan, we've known each other for so many years, you still don't know what kind of person I am?

    " Made a "sorry" gesture.

    "I'm too lazy to care about you." Bandit Gu snorted softly, and continued to look through the chat records.

    In addition to being anonymous, there were several real-name replies in the group. One of them had the id "Xiao Xiaoyang" who danced the most. While echoing the anonymous words, he called Gu Qingqing an illegitimate daughter, and said that she was not only ugly. , personality is withdrawn, and everyone in the class doesn't like her.

    Seeing the words "illegitimate daughter" made Gu Biao's head ache, she glanced at Xi Wan: "Didn't you clarify for me on Monday?"

    Xi Wan scratched her head: "I clarified, but..."

    Gu Bie went Looking through the chat records, Xi Wan really repeated her words in the group, and also teased Chen Xiaoxian by the way. As a result, she was banned by the administrator because her words were too violent.

    As for the content of the clarification, few people are willing to read it.

    Most of the children at this age are in the rebellious period, especially most people in the gossip group. They only believe what they want to believe. "Give birth to a girl" obviously satisfies their bad curiosity.

    Bandit Gu looked at it in silence for a while, then threw the phone back to Xi Wan, and leaned back on the table sullenly: "Xi Wanwan, help me keep an eye on the trends in the group, if anyone posts anything about Gu Qingqing, just tell me I."

    "Okay!" Xi Wan took the phone and said worriedly, "Gu Bandit, how are you going to deal with this matter?"

    Gu Bandit sighed, his voice was rare and cold: "Go to the police directly after school, there are people in the group More than a hundred people, they are already spreading rumors publicly."

    Since clarification is useless, we can only

    use the weapon of law.

    Xi Wan opened her mouth exaggeratedly, and gave her a "powerful" gesture.

    However, it didn't wait until school was over, but at noon, this matter was fermented in the whole school.

    Someone moved the chat records in the group to the school forum. Not only the people in the group, but also the students in the whole school exploded.

    Student 1: "The Gu family actually let Xiaosan's daughter study in our school? Sure enough, they can do whatever they want with money, tsk tsk."

    Student 2: "Will this kind of person bias our style of study? Can you complain and have her drop out of school?" "

    Student 3: "I heard that her grades are not very good, she is still an ordinary person with no differentiation, it will lower our school's enrollment rate."

    Most people in Gu Qingqing's class didn't know the group Gossip, after reading the post, the way they looked at Gu Qingqing became strange. No matter who walked into the classroom, they would first look in Gu Qingqing's direction, then frowned in disgust, and immediately looked away, as if looking at them a few more times would dirty their eyes.

    A boy poked Yang Xiaoxiao's shoulder, and said treacherously: "It's our sister Yang who is amazing. A few days ago, I saw that Gu Qingqing is not a good person. I thought you were jealous of her beauty, that's why you didn't like her." "

    I'm an omega, why am I jealous of ordinary people?" Yang Xiaoxiao folded her arms, "Although she looks...not bad, but she is so rustic, she is just an ignorant country bumpkin, only you The beta boys who only look at the face will have a good impression of her."

    Speaking of which, Yang Xiaoxiao glanced back. At this time, Gu Qingqing was quietly brushing her head down. Even though her hair covered half of her face and she was wearing black-rimmed glasses, her profile also revealed an indescribable temperament. , elegant, demure, even... cold? In short, it definitely has nothing to do with the word bumpkin.     Yang Xiaoxiao lowered her face, took out her phone and pointed it at Gu Qingqing, turned the light to black, shook the phone again, and pressed the shutter button before the focus was on. She glanced at the photo, with a mocking smile on her lips, and opened the campus forum to post.     The beta boy next to him was still chattering: "But Yang Xiaoxiao, didn't you smell the pheromone of the bandit sister on Gu Qingqing's coat yesterday? If Gu Bandit really hates Gu Qingqing so much, how could he put the pheromone on it?"     "I don't know, I'm not an alpha, so I don't understand what they think." Yang Xiaoxiao was busy posting and responded casually.     Another alpha boy who passed by said: "Alpha leaves pheromones on other people's coats, and it doesn't necessarily mean that they like it. They may simply regard that person as their own possession...or pets, have you heard of physiology class? Information The stronger the alpha, the stronger the instinctive possessiveness. Isn't sister Wei's physical education class usually held in the classroom? Why don't you ask her what happened yesterday?"     Wei sister, who was sleeping in the corner, turned over and leaned Glancing at them: "What's the matter?"     "It's okay..." Several people waved their hands quickly. Sister Wei is equivalent to looking for a relationship to study in school.     Sister Wei gave a "cut" sound and gave them a middle finger. Also being an alpha, Sister Wei could tell that Bandit Gu's defense of Gu Qingqing yesterday was definitely not out of pure possessiveness. Gu Bandit's pheromone contained Gu's strong distressed and angry emotions, which made Sister Wei's glands still feel sore until now.     But she didn't bother to tell the rest of the class that she had already been slapped in the face once yesterday, and she wished that others would be slapped hard too.     While eating lunch, Bandit Gu faintly noticed that the surrounding students looked at her and Gu Qingqing strangely. However, due to her reputation as a school bully, most of the students only dared to glance at her before looking away.

    "It's inexplicable." Bandit Gu muttered softly.

    Gu Qingqing happened to hold a piece of meat for her, tilted her head and stared at her with a smile.

    Bandit Gu subconsciously wanted to refuse, but then he thought it was just Gu Qingqing helping her to pick up the food, and it wasn't because she was eating a piece of meat with her, there was nothing to be embarrassed about, so he sent the bowl forward, and said awkwardly: "... Thank you, eat more too."

    "Yeah, I know, I will make up for it." Gu Qingqing frowned slightly.

    Students who peeked at this scene from a distance: "Fuck, Gu Qingqing is serving food for the gangster! She is really trying to please the gangster!"

    "Look, the gangster is giving her a lecture!"

    "I heard that she When I came home from school in the afternoon, I even helped the gangster with her backpack, if she wasn't an illegitimate daughter, why did she want to please the gangster so much?"

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