Chapter 57

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Chapter 57

    Xi Wan took a sudden step back, covered her slightly painful glands, and closed the door with a bang: "Excuse me, please continue, I didn't see anything."

    Xi Wan's voice was dull, her expression was dull, and her eyes were dull.

    The door of the room was well insulated, so Xi Wan didn't hear it. Inside, Bandit Gu was aggrievedly reprimanding Gu Qingqing for forgetting to close the door. The little milk was crying, and as soon as the silk scarf was untied, she punched Gu Qingqing lightly. Kick.

    Xi Wan used to come to Gu Bandit's house to play often, and the nanny knew her, so she let her in directly. The bandits and Gu didn't come to school today, so Xi Wan went to ask Mr. Yang, the head teacher, and found out that Gu Qingqing had split. But how could she have imagined that she bumped into Gu Bandit and Gu Qingqing...

    Hey, they seem to be just trying to appease them?

    No no no, even if it's just soothing, it's shocking enough! Bandit Gu's eyes were red just now, he must have cried before, which alpha would cry when he was comforted?

    This is not right!

    They, aren't they really doing some weird play?

    Also, if I remember correctly, I didn't feel Gu Qingqing's pheromone breath at all just now, did I? It stands to reason that during the appeasement period, the omega pheromone smell should be strong, unless that omega has been marked, only her alpha can smell her pheromone smell.

    And there seems to be teeth marks on Qingqing's neck... They have already marked it! ?

    The corners of Xi Wan's mouth twitched, her eyes blinked wildly, God pity, she and Liu Xiaoxiao haven't made it that far yet!

    Xi Wan felt that in just a few seconds, a big drama had been made up in her mind.

    Forget it, marking and comforting are nothing, what's more, she accidentally saw it! She, she won't be bullied by Gu Qingqing, right?

    Hey, why is it Gu Qingqing? It stands to reason that Alpha is the one who is more possessive, right?

    Xi Wan's mind was in chaos, thinking a lot. She was stunned at the door for a long time, and was the last one to go downstairs, sitting messily on the sofa, rubbing the corners of her twitching eyes.

    After a while, Bandit Gu finally took Gu Qingqing's hand and walked down the stairs. This time, both of them let their long hair down to cover the back of their necks.

    When he saw Xi Wan, Gu Biao looked

    away , then moved back with force,

    gritted his teeth bitterly and pretended nothing had happened: "Uh...what are you looking for us for?" The homework was handed in: "Didn't you ask for leave? Mr. Yang asked me to help bring the homework over."

    "Thank you, sorry for the trouble." Bandit Gu was very polite, his voice still a bit muffled.

    Xi Wan interrupted Gu Qingqing's consolation to her just now, which made her still feel stuffy in her glands, and she wished to drive Xi Wan out immediately. But when he thought of the embarrassing scene just now, Bandit Gu felt guilty again, and couldn't get angry at all.

    ...and even wished to dig a hole and bury himself in it.

    Standing behind Bandit Gu, Gu Qingqing smiled gently at Xi Wan.

    Xi Wan shivered violently, her hairs stood on end, and she was very witty: "I won't bother you and Qingqing, I'm leaving!"

    Xi Wan got up quickly, probably because the shock he saw just now was a bit heavy, and his brain hadn't slowed down yet. The reason for coming here, she turned around and said: "By the way, congratulations!"

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