Chapter 59

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Chapter 59

    【Shock! The goddess Qingqing split into an omega! I saw her on the list of ABO special exams! 】

    There is no content in the post, but such a title is enough to shock the whole school. In less than an hour, this post became a hot topic. At first, some people still didn't believe it:

    [How is it possible? Gu Qingqing is about to be nineteen years old, how can this age be differentiated? Liar. 】

    However, the person who posted the post was quickly slapped in the face, and many high school seniors came forward and said that they really saw it. Some people even said that they smelled the smell of Gu Qingqing's pheromone, but what kind of smell it was, some said it was the cool breath from the top of the snow mountain, some said it was the sweetness of peach, there were different opinions, but Gu Qingqing did differentiate into It has become an indisputable fact that the omega has been lost.

    There are also many people wailing: [Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I can't be bullied by Senior Sister Qingqing...]

    [Is the devil upstairs? Sister bandit warning! (Pressing in a low voice: Actually, I have a friend who also wants to be loved by Qingqing...)]

    After the cp fans of the sister cp heard the news of Gu Qingqing's split, they started drinking more vigorously. When walking on campus, I could feel someone looking at them with a smile on their face.

    Xia Yuan, an alpha boy in International Class A, was so excited that he almost smashed the table when he found out that Gu Qingqing had split into an omega. He used to like Gu Qingqing's face very much, but because Gu Qingqing is an ordinary person, and his family does not allow him to be with ordinary people, he had to suppress this liking.

    Now that Gu Qingqing is divided, he has a reason to chase her.

    Xia Yuan is in International Class A, and there is a small garden between the teaching buildings between Gu Bandit and their Class B, so he doesn't know that Class B has already agreed that Gu Bandit and Gu Qingqing are together.

    A few boys who were close to him came over and smiled viciously: "Brother Xia, why are you so happy?"

    Xia Yuan pointed to the words on the phone and pouted.

    Xia Yuan's good buddies all know that Xia Yuan likes the kind of omega that is clear and cold, someone immediately grabbed his shoulders and urged him: "Brother Xia, you have been secretly in love with him for so long, and he finally split up, don't you Go and confess to her? Why, do you want to

    wait for other alphas to come first?"

    "Confession, let's go!" Surrounded

    by a group of friends, Xia Yuan arrived at the back door of International Class B.

    He saw at a glance that Gu Qingqing was sitting in the last row by the window. Outside the window was the only wisteria flower in Haicheng Middle School. The same fell on Gu Qingqing.

    Bandit Gu was lying in Gu Qingqing's arms, as if taking a nap, but his fingers did not forget to catch Gu Qingqing's hair, twisted it on the fingertips, and let go.

    Gu Qingqing looked down at Gu Bandit, her originally cold side face revealed indescribable tenderness, she stretched out her hand, caressed Gu Bandit's wrist naturally, and interlocked her fingers.

    The sunlight outside the window shone on their cheeks, outlining a pale golden outline.

    "Don't play, itches." Gu Qingqing said softly.

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