Chapter 36

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Chapter 36 The Thirty-Sixth Ray of Light

    The bodyguard and the driver opened the door. Gu Qingqing knelt down on the spot and waved to the big yellow dog. It immediately ran into her arms and rubbed it.

    Bandit Gu stood by, feeling a little stuffy and distressed. Gu Qingqing took her hand and stroked the fluffy dog's head together.

    The big yellow dog was instinctively afraid of bandits, but he lowered his head obediently and let them touch him.

    "...Dirty." Bandit Gu muttered dissatisfiedly, but he didn't withdraw his hand, but slowly squatted beside Gu Qingqing.

    The cold country wind blew across their faces.

    Bandit Gu suddenly asked: "Is this dog the man's?"

    "Yeah." Gu Qingqing nodded.

    Bandit Gu poked the dog's face, then pinched it again, almost pinching the skin on its face into a long strip: "Bad dog, your master is a villain, a big villain!"

    Gu Qingqing buried her head shallowly . Smile lightly.

    The dog didn't dare to move, so he could only blink his eyes aggrievedly, and whimpered for mercy from his throat.

    Bandit Gu let go of his dog face.

    "Gu Bandit, don't be angry because of him, he is that kind of person." Gu Qingqing paused, her cold tone rarely mixed with a trace of meanness, "It will be like that for the rest of my life."

    Gu Bandit squeezed the dog's face again : "I'm not angry, I'm..." I

    feel sorry for Gu Qingqing.

    That man dared to sneer at Gu Qingqing in front of the bodyguard and the driver, and said such nasty things, how much did he suffer when Gu Qingqing and Gu Yuan lived here together?

    Gu Qingqing was still smiling, but she leaned slightly and leaned on Gu Bandit's shoulder.

    "Brother, thank you."

    Gu Biao was unsteady and almost fell to the side. She suddenly reached out to wrap her arms around Gu Qingqing's waist, and hugged her for a long time in the cold night wind. It's all a little numb.

    The two washed their hands, carried the cake and walked into the mountain path, followed by the bodyguards not too far away.

    The night-filled country road was very quiet, and occasionally there was a sound of grass and trees being pulled in the distance, which frightened Gu Bandit to hug Gu Qingqing's arm tightly.

    Gu Qingqing's expression was very calm, and she smiled helplessly.     Bandit Gu said aggrievedly: " Gu     Qingqing

    , aren't you afraid of the dark?" Qing dragged her voice coquettishly: "Really, and only in a small closed room, you will be afraid."     "I didn't say I don't believe you." Gu Bandit muttered.     At this time, they passed a small pond. The water in the pond was very calm in the middle of the night, and it was a dark pool. Occasionally, insects flew by, causing ripples on the surface of the water.     Gu Qingqing changed the subject: "I used to be in this pond..."     Who knew that before he finished speaking, Bandit Gu jumped up like a kitten whose fur had exploded, and then shrank into her arms with all his strength.     "Don't, don't, don't say woo woo woo!" The voice was fierce and pitiful.     "...?"     Gu Qingqing blinked in confusion, and hastily patted Gu Bandit's back, soothing her softly.     When Bandit Gu calmed down, she asked in a low voice: "What's wrong?"     Bandit     Gu looked up and gave her a hard look: "It's all because you told ghost stories to scare me!" There have been many ghost stories about old corpses in the countryside, female corpses in the pond, and ghost corpses in the deep mountains... Ever since she entered the mountain, her nerves became tense. When Gu Qingqing opened her mouth just now, she was so frightened that she exploded.     "Ghost story...?" Gu Qingqing blinked, her clear eyes were full of puzzlement and a little innocent.     Bandit Gu whispered: "You, you don't want to tell a ghost story...?"

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