Chapter 14

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Kyle Conti's POV

The talk that I had with Alina was very helpful as I have come clean with her that I need our engagement to be legal so that my inheritance in Conti International will not be disturbed by the unwanted investors that wanted me dead. I gripped the steering wheel until my knuckles turned white as I was driving toward Alina's apartment.

"Hey, are you okay?" Alina's sweet voice came into my ears. It was sweet as an angel that I forget all my worries for a moment.

"Yeah, yeah. I just worried about the party that my sister organized. I don't tell them about your existence yet," I said as I went to look at her for a moment before I turned back on the road.

"Hmm. That's okay. I'm sure your sister would be delighted to know that you already have someone to share your life with," she said as she put her hands on my thigh. I smiled as I went to look at the road and turned into a sharp left as Alina instructed me to.

The view of the apartment, sorry I meant mansion, was much bigger than the ones that I have back in Italy. It has a Gothic architecture that made it a vampiric vibe to it.

"Um, how many people live here?" I asked Alina as I looked at the mansion.

"Silly, just us. But sometimes my servants came to help me take care of the mansion," she said as she got out of the car. I followed her as I went to the trunk to get my stuff. I spotted someone that was old like my grandfather, bless him if he was still alive, coming toward Alina.

"Milady, you did not say that you will be coming back so soon," her old butler said as he looked at me again.

"And bring the young master again. How are you doing, sir?" he said as he was smiling at me. I blinked. I felt a little bit awkward as he shook my hand and called me young master. I mean, who am I, some kind of master to this house?

"Don't just stand there, milady. Come in, come in," the butler said as he helped us to get my trunk and brought it into the mansion.

"Nervous?" Alina asked me as she went to hold me by the arm.

"A bit but I kind of felt a sense of Deja Vu here," I said as I looked at Alina. She just waved her hands.

"Nonsense, you have never been here. Maybe you have been to the other castle. My house is just the same as the ones that show like a museum. We have had this mansion forever, the first time that my ancestors bought it when it was still a small hut," she said as she dragged me to go inside the house.

It was overwhelming as I might be seeing her parents as I needed to explain the situation that has happened between us.

"Are your parents' home?" I asked Alina as I looked at her. She suddenly changed into seldom.

"I'm sorry if that was a sensitive question for you. I will not ask it again," I said as I can sense her mood changed.

"They were dead when I was little. I only have my brother but he was out most of the time and he had his place somewhere in Bucharest, although I don't even sure that he was in the country anymore," Alina said as she went to show me the rooms in the house.

This freaking mansion, I meant a castle, has 30 bedrooms and most of them were empty as there were not a lot of visitors that came here. I will be staying with Alina in her master bedroom as she was the mistress of the house.

Her servants were very efficient as they took care of our food, clothes, and even our hobbies. I mean, how do they know that I liked the newspaper? There must be a trick to all of this.

"Are you liking your stay this time, young master?" the old butler asked me one time as he was serving me lunch.

"What do you mean?" I asked him as I don't understand the question.

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