Chapter 32

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Alina Dalca's POV

"Luke, I'm home!" I said as I went inside the house. It was the day before my wedding when I had to stay at the mansion and not with Kyle as he believed that it would be bad luck for our marriage when we met the night before the wedding. I don't sure why the humans believed in that but I just did because to respect them.

"Luke?" I called for my brother as I did just got back from meeting the wedding planner, Antonio Romano. I smelled something fishy about him as I used to see him somewhere but that was in the past and I don't remember the detail of that.

"Luke, are you home? I don't have time to play. We have to go to the wedding venue first thing tomorrow morning as I need to have the dress fit 1 hour before to do the makeup and last-minute checklist," I said as I was shouting from the kitchen.

I knew that Luke liked to have some peace in his bedroom but it just seemed too quiet for him. At least, when I was home, he would come and greet me by the door.

"Luke?" I asked again as I went to his bedroom.

"Luke?" I said as I knocked on his door.

"Are you in there? I'm coming in," I said as I opened the door. I saw no one was there as the bed was perfectly made and there was no sight of him.

"Luke? Luke, don't play with me, it's not funny," I said as I used my bond with him around the house but I can't seem to detect him in the 3 miles radius.

"Damn it, where are you?" I said as I went to the phone. I was punching Kyle's number as I waited for him to answer. I was tapping my foot when I saw something at the bottom of my shoe.

"What's this?" I said as I went to pick it up.

"Got an urgent business, TTYL - Luke," I read as I knew it would be from Luke. Oh my god! He did not just do that! After the second ring, Kyle picked up the phone.

"Hello?" He asked if he did not recognize my home number.

"Hey, Kyle. It's me," I said as I was holding the card in my hand.

"Hey, love. Why are you calling in the night? Miss me? Want to sneak in tonight?" He said as I rolled my eyes at him.

"No, it's not that. We have a problem. Luke, he's...he's gone," I said as I knew how important it was to have a male representation at the wedding tomorrow. Everyone will be there. I can't risk making a huge embarrassment in front of everyone and their families of Kyle.

"Do you know where he is?" he asked. If I knew, I wouldn't be calling you, isn't it? I thought inwardly as I don't want him to panic as well. I sighed as I heard him.

"Alina?" He asked.

"Huh?" I replied.

"Everything will be fine. We'll figure something out," he said.

"Yeah, you're right. I need to track him down. Maybe I can call my friend for his help," I said as I rubbed my temple.

"Are you sure? Is your friend reliable in this matter? I can ask Marco if you—" he said before I interrupted.

"No, it's fine. I don't want to disturb Marco. I'm pretty sure he is very reliable," I said as I was chuckling at him.

"Okay, if you say so," he said.

"Yeah, I just need his signature on the documents and the statement that he allows me to marry you. You know how it is in Romania. We need some permission before getting married," I said as I was giggling at what I just stated.

"Okay, if you say so. Call me if you need anything," he said.

"Yeah, okay. I will, you know you're my strength," I said as I was pacing around the room.

"Okay, I see you tomorrow, milady," he said as I was smiling like an idiot.

"I'll be the one wearing white," I said as I said goodbye before hanging up. I went to my bedroom to get my other phone and searched for Valentino's number. It rang for a while before he picked it up.

"Hello?" he said grudgingly as he was just getting up from sleeping.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry. Did I just disturb your sleep?" I said as I forgot the time right now.

"No, it's fine, Alina. I want to go to the bathroom anyway. So, what do you want now in the middle of the night?" Val said as he was yawning.

"I need some legal documents to be signed by my brother but he just disappeared. Can you track him?" I said as I was pacing back and forth in the room.

"Yeah, just a moment," he said as he went to his computer before typing something on the keyboard.

"Okay, let's see," he said as he was typing faster than the wind. He was typing and typing as I just waited for him patiently.

"Okay, let's see. I don't know where he was as I don't have him on the grid but I did have his signature ready for anything that you needed," he said as he was yawning again as I was pacing before taking a seat on the bed. I sighed as I was wondering where he would be at this hour. I wondered when he left the house.

"Oh, thank you for your help, Val," I said as I was laying on the bed.

"Are you okay?" he asked as he can sense that I was distressed.

"Yeah, yeah. It's just the wedding jitters, I guess," I said as I was closing my eyes and rubbed my temple.

"What is it now? Are you having any doubt?" Val asked me as I just sighed again and again which made him try to hear so he asked me to know what the source of my sigh was.

"It's just...what if I was making a rash decision? Do you think he was the one for me?" I said as I told him. I can hear he was sighing.

"Well, it was hard to say. What do you feel about him?" he said as he was making conversation, trying to sort my feelings for Kyle.

"Look, sister, if you think he is a nice guy and can make you happy, it would wonderful," he said as I heard him advise.

"You think so?" I asked him.

"Of course, why do you think people call me The Love Doctor?" Val said. I thought for a while to answer that before coming up with an answer.

"Because you're single?" I said.

"Hey! I am so not. I'm just waiting for the right girl to sweep her off her feet," he said as I can sense that he was fuming at my comment.

"Okay, sorry, Love Doc. I'd better go. I will be needing those documents tomorrow. Can you bring it for me?" I asked him. He sighed as I knew he would do it.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Go get your sleeping beauty sleep, milady," he said before I giggled.

"Hey, Val?" I said.

"Hmm?" he replied.

"Thank you for the advice," I said as I was smiling. At last, my heart calmed down as I knew that deep down, Kyle was made for me and I knew that he would take care of me and everyone that he loved.

"You're welcome. Now, off you go. Don't make your groom run away tomorrow because you have dark circles as big as Iceland," he said before chuckling at his joke.

"Yeah, whatever. Night," I said.

"Night," he said before ending the call. I looked at my phone as it was showing it was 12:30 AM. I sighed as I looked out of my window before I went inside the bathroom and stripped off my clothes as went inside the shower for a quick shower. I let the warm water go down my body as I was breathing under it and thought about tomorrow.

"It will be a brand new day," I said like a chant as I tried to calm myself down. I don't know what was happening as my heart was just beating so fast.

"It's just a ceremony. It's nothing," I said before closing the faucet and going to take a towel to wrap around my body. I went out of the shower and put on a nightgown as I looked inside the wardrobe I saw the gifts that the girls gave me during the bachelorette party.

Mia gave me revealing black lingerie. Camila gave me a seductive perfume and Sabrina gave me a set of makeup that I can wear on my first wedding night. I chuckled as I looked at the set.

"Damn, they thought of everything," I said as I went to the bed and laid my body on it. The second my head hit the pillow, I went straight to dreamland.

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