Chapter 23

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Kyle Conti's POV

"Looks like I have a new prey to play with," Charlotte said as she was circling me. I was trying to get out of the chair as I was looking around for the exit plan of the trap.

"Like I want to play with you. Let me out of here," I said as I tried to get out of the chair and ropes. She looked at me before she laughed at me wickedly.

"And why would I do that? Master said that you need to stay put," she said as she was caressing my cheeks. I felt a little bit disgusted by that as I was trying to get away from her touch.

"Where are we anyway?" I asked her, trying to get some information for me to get out of this stinking trap.

"Oh, you would never guess it. I will never tell you anything. Master told me not to make any communication with you, you might get an idea to escape before the guest of honor comes here," she said as she stopped in front of me.

"I think you might want to get that information the right way from that woman," a voice coming inside the warehouse but I don't see who was it.

"Who was it?" Charlotte said as she was preparing to attack anyone that will attack her at any moment.

"It's okay. It's just me," Alina's brother, Luke was walking in the dark.

"You!" Charlotte said as she looked at him.

"Yeah, you don't have to do this, Charlotte," Luke said as he was trying to talk with Charlotte as looked at her dreamily.

"I missed you. I have been looking for you everywhere," Luke said as he was trying to walk around toward Charlotte.

"You can't be here. You have to go. Master will kill you," she said as she looked around worriedly as she looked at Luke. Luke was trying to make his way toward me as he was talking to Charlotte.

"I can help you, Charlotte. Let me help you. Come with me," Luke said as he looked at me. Luck was on our side as Luke was cutting the rope off my chair.

"I can't. He will take me and torture me to die," Charlotte said as she looked at me.

"No, Charlotte, look at me. I can help you escape. Look at me, Charlotte. Charlotte, no!" Luke said I was not aware of the situation before I was turning up dark in my eyes.

Luke Dalca's POV

I was trying to get to Charlotte as I just arrived at the abandoned warehouse that my father has left out as he moved his business back to Romania. I thought that he might not be using this anymore but, oh, how wrong I was.

It turned out to be the lab that was experimenting on the genetics of human and vampire crossover, hybrid breeds. I have to stop him as soon as I got the information and how Charlotte disappeared the night of the ball.

"Charlotte, you don't have to follow him, he is evil. You are better than that. I can help you, please, just let me in," I said as I was trying to get Charlotte off from Kyle again and again. She just ignored me but I have to try.

"Charlotte, look at me. Look at me, sweetie," I said as I looked at her. She was snarling at unconscious Kyle as she was ignoring me again.

"Charlotte, I said look at me," I shouted at her before she can feel the power in my voice. I knew that I can control her as my father did but I don't want to do it. I tried to leave that road behind in the past. Charlotte was shaking up after hearing my voice before she turned around and looked at me.

"That's right. Master is not here but you know one if you hear the voice," I said as I was circling her to get her attention to me, forgetting that she was about to eat Kyle.

"Come here, sweetie. You don't have to do this. I can help and all I need for you to do is to come here," I said as I was calling her with my hand. She was moving slowly, leaving unconscious Kyle on the ground as she was crawling little by little as she looked at me.

"I'm not going to hurt you, like the old master. Come here, sweetie. I missed you," I said as I was trying to get her to me.

"You won't?" she asked for my reassurance. I blinked at her as I meant what I said.

"Yes, sweetie. Come and I will help you get better," I said as I was moving away from Kyle Charlotte followed me.

"Help me, Luke. I don't want to do this anymore," she said as she was now on her feet and she was walking toward me shakily as she was trying to get to me.

"Yes, I know, sweetie. And you're doing great. I will help you, come into my arms," I said as I was walking toward her as wanted her as much as she needed me.

"I will make you feel all better, I promise," I said as I was hugging her and caressed her hair. I will never let her go and let anyone hurt her for personal gain, especially my father.

"What is the commotion down here?!" My father's voice was ringing in the darkness when suddenly the lights turned on and we were surrounded by guards of vampires they were snarling at me.

"Great, now I have to kill you all now," I said as I was recently trying to minimize my killing but it looked like tonight will be in the favor of my redemption after all. I was holding Charlotte as my father was looking down on me.

"My, my what do we have here? Luke, my favorite son, is coming to visit me after all those years despising me?" Vlad said in his wickedly evil voice before he cracked into laughter.

"I must say, my latest creation did steal your heart away?" he asked me as I looked at him.

"What you did was wrong, Vlad. Charlotte is just an innocent girl that you forced her to turn into a beast like you," I shouted as I looked at him.

"Like me? Did you forget all those years that you have been hunting and drinking in the past? Don't try to tell me what a beast I am if you are one," he said as he looked at me wickedly.

"Vampires, attack them," he said as he went inside the door that leaves me and Charlotte to face the vampires that were coming at us.

"Charlotte, I need you to kill these guys but not by using fangs. Did you know any martial arts?" I asked her as we were circling the vampires that were snarling at us.

"Uh, none?" she said before a vampire came and I kicked him in the face which sent him meters away.

"Very well, then. We can just kick and punch them until we have a clear path to get out of here or until they are tired. I was hoping for the first time."

So, we kicked and punched as I tried to kill them all by breaking their necks. That should do the trick. But I was hoping Charlotte knew to do that too.

"Hey, Luke. Look what I can do," she said before she was breaking the neck of one of the vampires. I was breaking them as well before I was looking at her with awe.

"You, my sweetie, are a fast learner," I said as I was kicking and breaking the neck at the same time.

"Why, thank you, my fair gentlemen," she said before someone came from behind her.

"Look out!" I shouted as I was trying to get to her. She looked behind her before she held up her arms and fire was coming out of her hands. The vampire was burned to a crisp before she looked at me again.

"You can form fire?" I asked her as she was looking all innocent. She just shrugged before I punched the last vampire from my behind.

"That's incredible," I said as I scooped her up by the waist and turned her around. She was chuckling before I put her on the ground. We were laughing before Kyle was groaning in his sleep.

"Ugh, where am I?" He asked as he looked at me and Charlotte.

"Luke, since when have you been here? And why are you with her? She was about to kill me!" He said hysterically before I looked at Charlotte and she looked at me. I went to Kyle and patted his shoulder.

"It's okay, you're safe now," I said before I pinched his neck until he went back into unconsciousness.

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