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Sonia had left the hospital undetected. After her family left, a note was delivered to her. It told her to come to the Rogers' mansion if she wanted to see her son again. As she got inside the mansion, memories hit her mind. The first time she came there, a battle began with her introduction to the family, and the last time she was there, she mourned her beloved husband. The entire compound was eerily quiet. No one was present in the main living room. It seemed all the members of staff were sent on errands all at once.

"Dr. Gavin! Dr. Gavin!" Sonia called out. No answer came. A wrong lead? A trap?

"Welcome Sonia," Dr. Gavin said as she came out of one of the rooms. She carried a pistol, but JR was nowhere in sight.

"Where is JR?" Sonia demanded. She was still slightly weak, but strong enough to have brought herself to rescue her son.

"He belongs with me Sonia. Have you ever wondered why my husband divorced me?"

Sonia wanted to roll her eyes and tell her it was none of her business, but she shook her head in the negative.

"He found out that I was in love with Jerry, my sister's husband. That was about 29 years ago. He left me with nothing like our father. He went back to America. Prior to that, we were married for seven years, and without any children of our own."

Sonia was fed up.

"So what does that have to do with JR?" She asked impatiently.

"He is Julianna's grandson! I have been protecting her all these years like a good big sister, but now she has turned against me. Can you imagine her disowning me and blaming me for Jerry leaving her? But I know she will love JR."

"You are wrong." Julianna entered through the kitchen door. She too was carrying a gun, but aimed at Margaret Gavin, her sister.

"I don't care about JR because he is Sonia's son. He can never be a Rogers! So, if you like, kill him. It will make me victorious against Sonia. She will know the pain of losing a child too." Her eyes were cold and bitter.

"Shut up Julianna! You ungrateful, spoiled brat! You couldn't even let me have Jerry. As if that was not enough betrayal, you turned your back against your only sister: I who nursed you back to health! I who made you a wife of a somebody and made you the powerhouse you are today! I should have let you suffer at that mental hospital forever! I should have left you there to die! Fame, power and money turned you into this monster!"

"You should be ashamed of yourself Margaret! You lusted after your own younger sister's husband; a man who did not want you. A man who respected you as his sister-in-law!" She aimed the gun carefully at her sister.

"Put that gun down Julie dear. You know that you've never really had control over anything because you are weak Julie. You lost control of Michael: you lost control of Margaret, and now Jerry. You are no longer in charge Julianna! Your reign has ended. But," her eyes moved from Julianna to Sonia.

"I did all I did because of my love for you as my sister."

Sonia was getting sick of the sight before her. Both sisters were mentally sick!

"Shut up! I will kill you Margaret! You killed my son!" Julianna shouted in anger.

"Sweet Julies, I... it was a mistake." She said softly and pointed at Sonia.

"She made me do it! It's her fault! If she had left him like you had asked her to, Michael would still be with us today. I was trying to get rid of this little headache for you. I did it out of love for you little sis. If there is anyone to die tonight, it should be Sonia!"

Sonia was now the new target. Fear gripped her heart. She knew her chances of survival were slim with these two mad women.

"Since you both don't need JR, please give him to me." Sonia pleaded with them on her knees. Julianna walked up to her and slapped her hard across the face, sending her to the floor.

"I will kill you! My son is dead because of you! Why should I let your son live when my son died?" She screamed in agony.

Sonia got on her knees and replied, "I did not kill Michael, your sister did. She killed him. As much as I despised you, never once did I wanted to kill you."

"No Sonia! You will die!"

"Please let me see Michael one last time." She pleaded.

"No. I didn't get to see my Michael one last time. I did not get to see him before you killed him." Julianna cried with tears of rage running down her pretty face.

"Margaret, bring JR."

Without hesitation, the older sister left to bring the child.

Her refusal to hesitate lay in her plan and motive to kill both mother and child. And they will both die in the hands of Julianna, who will then go to jail. Julianna must pay for her selfishness and betrayal. She must go to prison for the murder of her daughter-in-law and grandson.


All hell broke loose at the hospital as no one could account for Sonia's absence. Mr. Rogers was frustrated and worried.

"Sir, we can't reach your wife. She is not with your daughter and none of her friends know where she is." Detective Ugwu said with concern.

"Have you tried my house again?"

"We are heading there now. One of your workers is at the police station. He said your wife and Dr. Gavin asked them all to leave. He said it was really weird."

"Oh God!"

"We will keep you updated Sir."

"Please, let me follow you, I will stay outside, please."

The Detective agreed and they left.


"Michael! Michael!" Julianna shouted when she saw JR. She ran towards her sister to get the baby. He was her son's replica.

"My son, my son." Julianna cried.

Sonia could easily guess what was going on, and she hoped it would work in her favour.

"No Julie! You are not mentally fit to be his grandmother, and neither is that little witch fit." Dr. Gavin replied menacingly.

"Give him to me!" Julianna ordered. JR began to cry.

"Stay away from my grandson you witch!" The two women began to move in circles around each other.

"So, all of a sudden, you recognize him as yours? I thought you wanted to kill him." Dr. Gavin accused her.

"Shut up Margaret! You evil manipulator! This is my house, and unlike you, I have a husband and a daughter, and now, a grandson." Julianna bragged.

Sonia started moving closer to them. The two sisters aimed their guns at each other. JR was crying even louder. Julianna grabbed him from her sister and handed him to Sonia. She turned around and looked at her sister,

"Goodbye Margaret."

"No!" Sonia screamed. By the time realised what happened next, shots rang out and she saw Dr. Gavin falling to the ground. The latter was shot on the chest, and Julianna was shot on her left shoulder.

Sonia carried her son and rushed to the main door, but injured Julianna followed her.

"Not so fast witch!"

"No..." Sonia pleaded.

"You will not have the last laugh." Julianna said coldly.

Sonia moved JR to the door and blocked him with her body so he wouldn't see any more evil.

"Don't do this." She cried.

"Why not? You don't deserve to be a mother." Julianna said with gritted teeth and raised her gun. At that moment, another shot went off, and Sonia fell to the ground. She spat blood from her mouth. Julianna had shot her on the chest, grabbed JR and left. She was going to have the final victory, no one else deserves it. No one but her alone.

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