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Waking up today feels so different. Alexander lightly snoring by my ear, his body engulfing mine. The more I move the more he pulls me into his chest. But I have to get this grizzly bear off me. I push a bit then shimmy under his arm. Basking in the morning sun, I started to replay yesterday's events.

Kissing Alexander's soft lips. Our tongues meeting somewhere in the middle. Him pulling down my pants in the car gripping my pussy for dear life. Pushing me against the elevator wall sucking and massaging one breast after the other. Alexander ripping off my clothes, barely making it into his hotel room. 

The hair on the back of my neck standing up as he trailed kisses down my body. Licking from my navel to my right thigh before diving in between my legs. The constant action of his mouth causing me to moan his name. Then his dick thrusting into my pussy. The euphoric feeling of him owning every inch of my body. 

Alexander telling me how I "feel so good". Calling me his "dolce amore" and  making me orgasm again and again, before gently releasing, filling me with his warm cum. Kissing my lips over and over while it dripped down my leg. 

It's all so confusing. He hates relationships, but he wants to have one with me. He isn't dating anyone, but a woman answered his phone. He is a constant case of whiplash. My brain is fried, thinking about all that has happened. All that's happening now. 


Phone vibrates/text message

Tyra: I see you and Mr. Fine Ass made up. I give you two thumbs up for calling in.  The Academy award goes to Mia Lincoln for her role in I Need My Man. 

Me: One, his name is Alexander. Two, he is not my man. And three, I may have been a little sick. 

Tyra: Low down dirty lie. 

Me: Let's not forget the time you had "covid" and used your sick days to go to Las Vegas.

Tyra: You are 100% correct so let me mind my business.  Call me later and tell me all about your rendezvous. 


"Hey, you," Alexander looked up at me and smiled. "Do you want to do anything special or spend the day in bed?" He tapped the empty space I left on the bed motioning for me to sit down.

"We actually need to talk." He squinted his eyes and tilted his head to the side. "You didn't answer my question yesterday. Why are you here?" The look on his face was somewhere in between confused and annoyed. 

"I want you. It's as simple as that. I want something and I get it. That's the way life goes." His smug reply made me want to flick him in the eye. 

"You do realize, I'm not a thing. You expect me to uproot my entire life because you want me. I just bought a house!" I felt the top of my ears getting hot. 

He must think I'm a toy that he can string along at his convenience. He has me all fucked up. 

"Mia, that's not what I meant. We know that I can buy or have any woman I want. But I enjoy your company. I've never done the relationship thing, but I'm willing to try for you." He ran his hands through his hair then sat up.

This is baffling. And how does he look so good this early in the morning. He should put a shirt on so I can concentrate. 

"Alexander, I live in Houston and you live in New York. Could you handle a long distance relationship? How would that work?" I asked genuinely concerned and searching for an answer. 

He cleared his throat, " I don't want you to take this out of context, but that would not work for me."

I looked him up and down, then nodded for him to continue. 

"I have needs and if you aren't there to satisfy them... I'm not a fan of beating my dick." 

Did he really just say that? He could've said anything other than that. 

"What I can offer is a weekly allowance of $4,000. I will cover travel expenses so you can visit  your friends and family. Also, I will  provide any car that you choose. One stipulation is that you must move to New York. The other is that you will have sex with me on demand." He stared into my eyes as he waited for a response. 

"I think not." I protested. 

"Just putting it out there to see if you were listening. Unless you're fine with it then I meant it. Look on the bright side if we break up you'll have more than you did when I found you." 

I didn't know I was lost. I guess he's Christopher Columbus. 

"Can I... Can I think about it? The school year is over in two weeks. If you can keep your dick in your pants for two weeks, I'll agree to the move." My voice was shaking as I spoke. I reminded myself to blink. 

He stood up, morning wood hanging, walked over to me and whispered, " Voglio baciare la tua dolce figa ogni mattina e ogni notte."  

Now, he isn't playing fair. 

A moan left my lips, "No foreign languages allowed." 

"I think you like it. Your chest is rising and falling, you're biting your lip. You're shifting back and forth. I know something is wet between your legs." He caressed my cheek. 

Okay, now he really isn't playing fair. Breathe slowly. Don't let him see you sweat. 

"I'm not horny, I'm hungry. You should hurry and get dressed before I turn into the Incredible Hulk." I smirked as I walked away.  

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