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My eyes fluttered open as I stretched my arms above my head tired from last night's activities

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My eyes fluttered open as I stretched my arms above my head tired from last night's activities. Surprisingly, Alexander was still asleep. I looked over at the clock and couldn't believe that it was 10 a.m. He was usually gone by this time. I pushed myself up from the bed only to be pulled back down.

"Lay with me." Alexander's raspy voice spoke from under the cover as he slid his arm around my waist pulling me into his body. We cuddled together for an hour before Alex needed to get ready for work.

"I know you want to shower with me." Alex called out from our bathroom. I did. My body was literally craving him. After weeks of no physical touch I needed him in the worst way.

I walked towards the restroom dropping my silk robe in the process. Steam poured out the shower door as I opened it to join Alexander. He immediately wrapped his hands around me kissing my neck then moving to my cheek and ending at my lips. "I missed you." Those words made my heart race. He had ignored me so many days I thought he didn't care about me or us anymore.

He washed my entire body starting at my head and ending at my toes, kissing each area as he made his way down. After rinsing the soap from my body, he moved his hand to my sweet spot cupping it. "That's mine. You don't know how good it feels to be the only person to fuck this pussy." My body dripped for him. He rubbed my clit in circles as he moaned into my ear.

Every moan making me become undone. He lifted me up and slipped his ring and index finger into me using his arm to pump up and down. Licking from my ear to my neck, whispering that I have the perfect pussy and how he is happy I'm having his babies. Alexander knows exactly how to work me and my body. That's a dangerous combination. I rode out my orgasm on his fingers. He kissed my lips and carried me out of the shower.

I offered him oral sex, but he declined saying he just wanted to please me. He brought me breakfast in bed and we talked as I ate. Alex left the house around 1 p.m. and said he would be home no later than 4pm. Everything was perfect and that's how I should've known something was wrong.

I realized that I had been unfair to Mia and saying I did it to protect her was a cop out

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I realized that I had been unfair to Mia and saying I did it to protect her was a cop out. Being alone is my safe haven, no guns, no worries. Just me and my cognac. I've never had to share my life or space with someone 24/7. Now, I'm balancing street life, work life and Mia. Then adding three more people to that soon. I feel like I might drown in responsibilities. However, that's not an option.

I  decide to take my Audi today, nice and low profile. The 5% tint is a bonus. Driving to Marino Enterprises, I notice a blue car behind me at every turn. I made four right turns and they were still in pursuit. Now, I know for sure that they are following me. Today of all days. My Audi only has one gun in it. My old man always said poor planning never constitutes in an emergency and today I fucked up. I called Luca from the bluetooth system in my car.

"What do you want us to do about it boss? We can meet you at the Enterprise, club or any location." Luca was ready to move on my command.

"I'll drive to our abandoned buildings behind 31st street and be ready to light these bitches up."

"Got it." Luca hung up the phone and I sped to 31st street. A black van was now following my car and the blue car. This shit just keeps getting better and better. I started seeing cars driving to the warehouse. I hope these figli di puttana were ready for war because that's exactly what they are going to get.

I sped through the open gates as the blue and black vehicles increased their speed. Then all I could hear was gunshots popping all around me. Semi automatic and automatic fired without cease. I park my car and begin to shoot. I can't leave my men hanging. The worst kind of leader is a coward and I've never been one of those. As I empty my pistol, I turn to grab an AK off the shelf by the door. Then I feel a burning sensation in my chest. I knew I had been shot.

Managing to get the gun off the shelf I fire back and that's all I remember.

I ran to the receptionist demanding information about Alexander

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I ran to the receptionist demanding information about Alexander. I cried the entire drive to the hospital praying that he would be okay; hoping that he would see his children grow up. The receptionist flustered at the influx of individuals inquiring about Alex led us to the waiting area. 

Moments seemed like minutes and minutes turned into hours before there was any update. A cardiologist walked towards us. "He's going to be okay." 

I started to choke on my tears. Alex had survived, but he lost a lot of blood. If the bullet went an inch higher it would have killed him.

I slowly walked towards his room peaking through the glass. The tubes coming from his mouth and nose and the sound of beeping became too much. I leaned over his body and cried. Happy that he had survived but panicked over his current state. I laced my fingers with his kissing the back of his hand.

The door open, but I didn't turn around. A hand was placed on my shoulder. "He'll be alright." Luca said. "They fired over 100 shots and none of our men were killed. Alexander will be okay." 

Luca knew Alexander was tough. He can remember him breaking his arm skateboarding and not shedding a tear when they were 12. This would be nothing.

"He won't be the only person hurt. We'll get it back in blood except they're going straight to the morgue." Luca walked out of the hospital room knowing people would be dead before they said their prayers tonight. It offered him solace in knowing that Alexander wouldn't be the only person hurt. 

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