Baby Love

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An icy cold silence spread through the car. Mia knew it was too early. The thought of leaving her babies in the hospital made her physically ill. She toured the NICU previously. Only a  1-2 week stay was needed  if she delivered at 35 weeks. However, this was 10 weeks early.

Alexander's mind was on Mia, he could see the worry on her face. Her smile, erased by tears silently falling down her cheeks. He didn't dare ask what's wrong and he knew there was nothing he could do to help. His hand constantly rubbing Mia's thigh letting her know they're in this together was all he could muster.

Checking into the hospital was madness. Nurses came in and out of the room monitoring Mia. Her water broke, but she wasn't dilated. Dr. Miller injected two steroid shots into Mia's lower back to help the triplets lungs develop. Eight hours later Mia was prepped for a C-section. Her nerves were on high alert until Alexander walked into the surgery room.

He kissed and rubbed the back of her hand. They smiled at each other, praying their babies would be okay. Mia held her breath until she heard the first cry.

"Alright here is baby A." Matteo's cries filled the room. A nurse gave Mia a quick look then whisked him off to the incubator.

"Baby B is coming out now." Nico would definitely be their screamer. His little cries pierced the room. Another quick glance then he joined his brother.

"Last one," the doctor called out. Alexander looked at Mia hoping she wouldn't panic because their baby girl hadn't let out a cry.

"Is everything okay?" he asked, more nervous than he let on.

"Yes, she is fine. She just seems relaxed." Khiree finally let out a small cry before going to the warmer to get wiped off. Then was immediately rushed out of the room.

"Okay, all three babies are out and healthy. They'll be in the NICU for about 5-7 weeks, but will be home before you know it. Mia it'll take about 30 minutes to close your incision." Dr. Miller talked to Mia every step of the way.

"Go with the triplets Alex. They need you more than I do." Mia's weak smile made Alexander unsure.

"What if..."

"Go, I'll be fine." she commanded. Alexander obliged, leaving the OR to find the NICU.

The walk to the nursery felt so wrong without Mia. After everything she went through she wouldn't touch or hold them first. Matteo was 3lbs 2oz, Nico 3lbs even and their baby girl 2lb 14oz.

All so tiny, he thought he would break them if he wasn't gentle enough. How could hands that have killed people nurture innocent lives? He felt unworthy, but he was their dad and he'd do anything to protect them. 



The procedure didn't take long. Afterwards, I was rolled into a recovery suite. Waiting for the opportunity to see my babies in the NICU. I missed their sweet faces.

"Mia Lincoln?" A woman in a hospital uniform walked into the room.


"I know you can't move right now, that's going to work best for you. I have a message for your children's father. Tell him Giuseppe knows exactly where you and your children are. Alexander has no choice, but to come here everyday if he loves you like he says he does. It would be a shame if someone pulled the plug on one of his beautiful babies." 

"No..." I felt myself drifting off.

"Ms. Lincoln, can you hear me?" I felt a gentle tap on my arm. "Ms. Lincoln."

"Baby girl, wake up."

I let out a groan still feeling woozy. The sound of machines beeping pulling me back to reality.

"Ms. Lincoln we don't know what happened, but something caused you to pass out. We'll monitor you for a few additional hours then you can go to the nursery and see your babies." The nurse stated then exited the room.

My mind goes back to the last thing I heard. "Alex, some woman came in here and said something would happen to the babies if you don't stop with Giuseppe." I spoke as fast as I could through sobs. Alexander looked at me like I was batshit crazy.

"Slow down Mia. What happened?"

I explained the whole ordeal to him. His face went from upset to angry to irate. The green in his eyes faded into black. He kissed me on the head.

"Don't worry about anything dolcezza. Get some rest so you can meet our children."


Mia held the boys in her arms for the first time. She could only rub Khiree's back up and down due to the tube going into her mouth. Alexander stared at Mia, her sniffles broke his heart, but he knows this is the best place for them to be.

The first number he dialed was Luca's. After explaining the situation, his general was out for blood. Luca is as tough as any killer, but children were his soft spot. He wouldn't harm his enemy's child. Alexander was about to make an exception. Threatening him is one thing, but his children are another.

Alex called the hospital manager and requested the triplets be moved to their own wing where his bodyguards could be present. The cost of their safety was $10,000,000 but that's lightweight. He'd pay any price to protect them.

With that done, Alexander shedded his stoic demeanor. Drawn to Mia, he hugged and kissed her. Then caressed her bottom lip which he knows she hates. Only popping his hand made him stop touching her. The hit took Alexander by surprise, but he went back to nudging her with his arms. Then placed a kiss on her forehead.

"What is wrong with you?" Mia asked, holding in her laugh because her stitches hurt too much.

"I just love you." He kissed her lips again.

"How much?" Alexander looked at Mia and read her mind.

"What do you want?"


He proceeded to order every dish from the Mexican restaurant around the corner. Then orange chicken and chow mein from a chinese restaurant. Mia could eat mountains of food and not gain weight. While, he worked out 5 times a week. She did nothing, but was naturally toned. It made no sense.

Mia's four day stay in the hospital went by quickly. She braced herself knowing the triplets would still be there. Of course security watched them all day and night, but they were so small. She would blame herself if something happened and she wasn't there. The person who took it the hardest was Alexander. He would spend hours talking and reading to them.

They were able to hold Khiree when she was a week old and her lungs were stronger. Matteo was getting chunky and smiled at his dad. Nico made them laugh with his little squeals and yawns. He definitely thought he was the boss of everyone.

Alexander was no closer to killing Giuseppe, but the security cameras at the hospital caught the woman who came out of Mia's room. Luca recognized her face. It was Lorenzo's girlfriend. He was the reason Guiseppe knew their every move. He was a rat and rats get exterminated. 

How would you like Lorenzo to die? 

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