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Shout of to @LeighleeBlanco! Happy Reading. 

I knew if I was seen anywhere near Giuseppe's safe house bells would ring and my chance to kill him would be over before it started

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I knew if I was seen anywhere near Giuseppe's safe house bells would ring and my chance to kill him would be over before it started. Before Lorenzo took his last breath he said Giuseppe's number one  weakness is a beautiful woman. Little did he know his worst nightmare is on her way. He also said that Giuseppe parties at a rooftop club in Manhattan every Saturday and that will be our way to get close to him. 

"When does Lia arrive?

"Luca, I swear to god you better not lay a hand near my cousin. Don't even talk to her. She'll be here around 6. Jackson's picking her up from the airport then she'll stay at my apartment in Manhattan." 

Luca chased Lia for 12 years before he finally got the hint that she did not want him. He thought it was meant to be because both their names started with L. That in turn made his wife Melody hate her. If Lia knows she can bother you, she'll make it 10 times worse. Their little spat almost broke the family apart. 

"I'm a married man, Alexander. Lia will always be my favorite red head though. I mean have you seen those titties."

"Luca, what the fuck." Luckily for him my phone rang.

Mia called to update me on the triplets. Khiree and Matteo will come home next week, so I need to nip this in the bud now. In two days, this could all be over with.

Luca and I went over the game plan. 

"Okay, Lia will enter the club around 9 p.m. I have a connect that can put her in the V.I.P section close to him. From there, it's just bait. Once she reels him in she will slip Rohypnol in his drink. It's over from there. She'll walk him to the back of the club and we'll drag him out. You just need to get the paralytic." I explained to Luca. 

"Yeah, my contact has the meds. It'll keep him conscious, but he won't be able to move."

"Sounds good. Let's meet here tomorrow at 7 p.m. I'm bringing Lia so act accordingly."

"I'll be a perfect gentleman."

I really don't want to have to kill Luca but he is working his way into an early grave constantly trying to hit on my cousin.


I hate to admit that I'm nervous. Everything depends on Lia being able to seduce Giuseppe. If worse comes to worse, she'd shoot him on the spot, but I didn't want her to risk losing her life. She could handle herself, but I don't want to put her in a position where she would have  to fight her way out of it.

Of course, Luca was standing outside as Lia and I walked into Ace's.

"Hi, Lia. I've missed seeing your face." Luca was about to lay it on thick. I rolled my eyes hoping that she would slap him.

"Luca, I wish I could say the same." Lia laughed as she walked past him. Luca's face dropped.

"Pick your lip up," Lia continued. "You can't kiss my ass with your lip on the ground.

"I love it when you talk dirty to me." Luca stirred back.

"Can you two stop, get your shit together." I countered looking at both of them.

We went over everything that would happen. Then Lia drove to the club in one car and we followed in another. She attached a small camera in the front of her dress so we could watch the events as they unfolded.

Just as we thought as soon as Giuseppe laid eyes on Lia, he was hooked. He was twirling her long red hair in his hand, she played along laughing with him. Luca and I watched as she slipped the roofie into his drink, mixing it around with his straw.

Once he started to sway back and forth, Lia swooped in.

"We should go to the back." She rubbed her hand down the front of his pants placing a kiss on his cheek. "There's something I want to do to you." 

"Let's go." He stood up to walk with Lia to the back of the club. His bodyguard tried to stop him, but he was too stupid, too arrogant to listen to anyone. That would work to our advantage.

Giuseppe hit his bodyguard's hand, leaning against Lia as she walked him to the back. I stepped out of my car waiting for Luca to give me the okay. Once she put the syringe into the side of his neck we had thirty seconds before he was dead weight. We were waiting for him to lean forward to kiss her.

"Now!" Luca shouted from the car. The door was pushed open as Lia dragged Giuseppe through it. Luca hopped out, picking up Giuseppe by the legs as I held his shoulders. We folded his body into the trunk of the car. Once Lia cranked up her car. We all drove off.

When we made it to the warehouse, our men lifted him out of the trunk and strapped him to a table. I taped his eye lips open so he could see his body being ripped apart in the mirrors on the ceiling. 

"I did all the work, so back up boys." Lia laughed, grabbing a scalpel. "See cousin you could just cut his eyelids off." She drug the scalpel across Giuseppe's eyes tossing each eyelid to the side after she cut it off.

Luca put a heart monitor on Giuseppe. We wanted to make him suffer as long as possible. The best thing about paralytics is that the person is fully aware and can feel pain, but they can't move.

 I looked into his eyes and could tell he was in an  immense amount of pain. The eyes always give away what a person is feeling.

Lia continued as she sliced through his tongue, throwing it at Luca who quickly jumped out of the way. Luca joined in slowly skinning Giuseppe's legs. The smell of blood rotted in the air. The pain must've been unbearable because he pissed on himself. That earned a laugh from Luca and his ear being removed by Lia.

Luca placed each body part into a separate box. They would be mailed to each of Giuseppe's headquarters. His head would be sent to his mother's house as a parting gift. Anything that was left would be dissolved in acid. 

I was free... For now at least. 

Sorry for any mistakes. 

My eyes are burning. 

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