Personal Family Matters

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Three weeks had passed, Alexander was out of the hospital and we were back to our regular life

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Three weeks had passed, Alexander was out of the hospital and we were back to our regular life. It's hard to let him walk out the door every morning but I know he can handle himself. Luca kept his promise, the news was currently informing people that there has been a string of murders. Ten people were shot and two were stabbed to death. It sounds horrible, but I'm happy they're dead.

Alexander assigned four bodyguards to me now. He said I should get used to it because each baby would need their own guard. I understand the effort, but it's uncomfortable. I would've been fine with two, four seems like overkill. 

David and Marco previously escorted Alex and I, so we made fast friends. Marco and I talked about his wife and kids. He has 2 daughters that are in grade school. They moved from Italy to California from there they moved to New York. David jokes a lot. It's almost like having a friend. It just so happens that Alexander pays them to be around me. 

On top of that, being four months pregnant is kinda whooping my ass. The triplets constantly move. Today we find out their genders. I know Alex wants three boys, but I would like a baby girl too. He said girls are seen as weak in his culture. He doesn't want to marry his daughter off to someone who doesn't deserve her.

By the time we arrived at the office, Alexander was already inside. He kissed me on the cheek then rubbed my belly. "So, let's get this over with. I know you are excited." He stated knowing that I barely slept last night.

Once we were in the ultrasound room my nerves were on one thousand. The tech put warm gel on my belly which I was extremely grateful for because they usually squirt the world's coldest gel on you. She moved the ultrasound wand around checking each baby's heartbeat and their measurements. About 15 minutes into the ultrasound she asks if we want to know their genders.

"Yes." I basically shouted, smiling so hard my cheeks started to burn.

"Calm down." Alexander said while shaking his head.

"Alright, it looks like baby A is a boy. Baby B is a boy as well. And baby C looks like...Baby C is a girl." The tech stated.

Alexander let out a deep breath. "Are you okay?" he looked at me.

I didn't even notice I was crying. "I'm fine, I'm just so happy. I can't believe we will have two precious boys and a little girl." Now I was full on crying.

"I'll give you some time and let you get dressed." The tech said as she stood up from her seat and walked out the door.

"Are you upset?" I looked over at Alex's face. I couldn't read his emotions. Maybe he was angry because he didn't want a daughter.

"No." he finally answered. "I'm not upset. Avrò 2 ragazzi e una bellissima ragazza." He leaned forward kissing my belly and face what seemed like a million times. He helped me up and I was sure to schedule my next appointment on our way out. We stopped to get ice cream on the way home. I was on cloud 9. ("I'm not upset. I will have 2 boys and a beautiful girl.")

Around 10 p.m. Alexander received a call saying he was needed at the hospital asap. He thought one of his soldiers had been shot or killed. He kissed me, got dressed then left quickly out of the door. I waited up as long as I could, but  fell asleep. The sound of the doorbell made me jump. Looking at my phone, I realized it was almost 11 a.m. I had no calls or texts from Alexander. My stomach was immediately in knots.

I put on my robe and rushed down the stairs to see Marco sitting in the living room. "Marco, is Alexander okay?"

"Yes, ma'am. He is fine."

"Well where is he?"

Marco looked at me, the ceiling then me again. He didn't say a word. "Marco, where is he?"

"You should call him ma'am. I shouldn't interfere with your personal family matters."

Personal family matters. What the hell does that mean? I picked up my phone and called Alexander, again no response. Then around 5pm, I heard our front door opening. After worrying all night and day, in walks Alexander. I didn't have the energy to be upset or irate. I locked our room door and went to take a shower.

I was startled when the bathroom door opened and closed. I should've known that Alexander would be able to enter the room locked or not.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, almost whispering. I could barely hear him over the running shower water. I turned the shower off, grabbed my towel drying off in front of him. Then walked by him. I went to get pajamas from my closet. Why would I want to talk to him now? He had all fucking day to tell me whatever he had to say. I layed down on my side of the bed rubbing my stomach trying to calm myself down.

"Mia, I've gone back and forth about this all day. I'm sorry, but couldn't bring myself to answer your calls. I want to tell you, but I'm afraid you will leave me. The last thing I want to do is be without you or our kids."

"Either say what you're going to say or shut up Alexander Marino." I shouted out. I was trying to ignore him and watch reruns of Empire, but he was pissing me off.

"The baby Kami is pregnant with might actually be mine."

"So you were with that bitch all night."

"I wasn't with her like that. She was at the hospital. They called me saying she listed me on her contacts. We still have to do the DNA test. I just want to be honest with you."

"Fuck you Alexander. I don't give two shits about what you do and who you do it with. You, Kami and that baby can go to hell. I HATE you! Now get away from the T.V my show is on."

He threw a lamp at the T.V. " You hate me? Well guess what, I hate your ass too."

"You do realize the T.V you just broke is yours right." I laughed which further infuriated him. David and Jackson pushed the door open trying to figure out what the loud sound was. Jackson was floored to see Alexander huffing by the television.

"Ms. Mia, why don't you get up and come with us." Jackson put his hand out for me. "Mr. Marino, you can stay here and try to calm down."

Once, I was down stairs. I wrapped my arms around Jackson and collapsed into him. I refused to cry. Alex didn't deserve my tears and neither did Kami. I kept myself calm and focused on my precious babies. 

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