Just Us

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"Mia..." She sleeps so hard it should be against the law. "Mia, wake up."

"Hmm, I'm up." She whispered. 

"Your eyes are closed." Her eyes opened quickly, earning a laugh from me.

"No they're not." 

"I have a surprise for you." She finally turned her head and looked into my eyes.  "Get dressed." 

"Do I have to get out of bed?" She yawned then almost rolled on the floor. 

I'd placed our suitcases in my car already. I just need Mia to pick up her pace.

"Alexander, it's 2 in the morning." She looked at the clock next to our bed. 

"Thank you for your observation Ms. Lincoln." She scowled at me. Tired Mia is completely different from sweet and kind Mia. I took that as my opportunity to walk away. She spent twenty minutes standing still in front of the bathroom mirror. "Mia, we're going to miss our flight."

"Flight? Where are we going?" She moved faster slipping on a pair of black jeans and light gray shirt.

"Nowhere if you don't hurry up. I already packed your suitcase and I have your passport. I just need you." She ran downstairs past me.

"Come on Alexander." No one calls me Alexander but Mia and my mom, when she's angry. It was rare so when I heard it I knew I was in trouble.

Mia talked the entire drive to the airport. It was nice to see someone genuinely excited because they were grateful not because they expected it. My staff transferred our luggage to the plane. Mia walked up the steps to sit in a window seat.

"Where are we going at this hour?" Mia asked one of my flight attendants.

"Aruba." She answered before I could say that it's a surprise. My face must've given away my emotions because the next words that came out of her mouth were. "Sorry, Mr. Marino."

I didn't dignify her with a response because my words wouldn't be kind. I specifically told these assholes it would be a surprise. Mia almost knocked me over when she jumped into my arms. She wrapped her legs tightly around me allowing me to catch her.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." She kissed my lips over and over again. I'm not one for PDA, but it's 4 in the morning so who the hell cares. 

I listened to Mia snore after two hours of straight talking. The house has been pretty quiet with my work schedule. I guess she saved all her words and decided to put them to use right now. I left Luca in charge of everything and asked him not to call unless it is a true emergency. That means death or my money.

I wanted to focus on Mia and just Mia. Even if I had to listen to her talk nonstop for the next three days. I planned on savoring it.  I checked our itinerary as Mia slept. I had my secretary, Janice, book some activities. Tomorrow included snorkeling and jet skiing. Mia hates getting her hair wet; hopefully she'll make an exception if not I'll blame Janice.

We had security waiting for us when we made it to Aruba. They flew down two days before to check on the status of everything here. It had to be safe.

When Mia saw David and Marco she eyed them up and down then came the dreaded question.

"Alex, I know you're wealthy, but why do you have so much security?"

"I wouldn't have so much if I wasn't with you. You need to feel comfortable." 

"Honestly, I would be fine if it was just us." She scanned to see if there was any more security which there was, but she wouldn't recognize them.

The beach house Janice booked was secluded. I appreciate privacy more so now than ever before. 

The stars were shining so bright

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The stars were shining so bright. The buildings in New York light the sky all day and night. Here in Aruba the skies are clear, you can count the stars. This trip is needed. Alex's life is busy, but he is making an effort.

"Let's go to the beach." I felt Alexander take my hand in his.

"Okay, but I'm not getting in."

"Yes you are. Your hair will be fine, I'll make sure it doesn't get wet."

"It's not that, I don't like deep water and it's dark." Being bitten by a shark did not appeal to me.

"Can you swim?" He questioned.

"I'm a fantastic swimmer. Do you know people can drown in an inch of water?" I had a real fear of drowning.

"I won't let you drown. I promise." Alex kissed the back of my hand. He opened the patio door allowing me to walk outside. The air was crisp and warm. The sand felt silky and smooth under my feet. Alex wrapped his hand around my waist.

"Wait..." I saved this nightie for a special occasion and potentially getting eaten by fish is not one.

Alex looked at me sternly. He stepped further into the water which was a nice temperature. "Thanks Alex. It's beautiful here."

We stood still in waist deep water.

"Thank you for giving us a chance Mia. I don't want you to ever feel alone, especially not when I'm right here." His finger hovered over my heart as he kissed my lips.


Alexander packed my suitcase. He bought five Gucci one-piece swimsuits in different colors. Pink will be the color of the day, I paired it with a white dress Alex picked out. He has to have a stylist because everything he buys is exquisite.

The boat ride was beautiful. A pod of dolphins swam past us as the boat trekked through the crystal clear blue water. The captain put down the anchor causing the boat to gently sway from side to side.

"Are you ready?" Alex towered over me, but I didn't move.

The fish swimming around us was the perfect reason for me to stay my ass in the boat, but I stood up.

"I'll only go in with a life jacket."

"Mia." Alex huffed.

"What? If something happens to you, someone has to be alive to tell the story." The deckhand laughed but I was serious.

Alex shook his head as I slowly dropped into the water with my life jacket and a spare pool noodle that was left on deck. The experience was perfect and I enjoyed myself until a piece of seaweed attached itself to my leg. I was certain an octopus was dragging me to hell. Alex could barely lift me onto the boat because he was laughing so hard. I watched him swim and ate the snacks I had in my beach bag.

The chefs at the beach house prepared dinner for us to eat on the balcony under the stars. Alex wore black dress pants and a mint green shirt that displayed his muscles perfectly. Everything about Alexander is divine. His personality exudes something I never felt prior, it had grasped my heart and wouldn't  let go. 

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