Chapter 2

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I feel my eyes slowly start to open

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I feel my eyes slowly start to open. I am trying to adjust to the light as well as adjust my other senses.

"Raksha, I need you to snap out of it and look at me." I hear a female voice say. Not much longer I am face to face with Shuri.

"Why am I awake already?" I asked.

"I have finished with taking the trigger words out." She says.

I rub my eyes softly and look around. Some things have changed in the lab. "How long have I been under?" I asked.

"10 months" she says.

"That's it? I thought it was going to be longer?" I ask confused.

"So did I. However, when I started going through the algorithm to take the words out, there was not as much program built onto your brain like your father. He still has a while to go" she says.

I just nod my head and process everything. The rest of the afternoon, Shuri ran some tests on me to make sure my vitals and everything were okay.

"Alright, so I did some blood testing on you to see what HYDRA has done to you." She says.

"Okay. What all has been done?" I asked.

She flips her wrist over and uses a bead on her bracelet to project my results so we can look at them together.

"Okay, so here is the DNA of Steve and Bucky" she says pointing to their DNA but I noticed a third.

I tilt my head slightly. "Okay, that makes sense but why is there three? Unless that third on is mine." I state.

"That third on is actually the DNA of your mother. It seems that HYDRA took the DNA from both super soldiers and combined it with a females egg to try and manipulate for the perfect solider." Shuri says.

"Then who's DNA is that?" I asked.

"Natasha Romanoff. A former black widow." She says.

I just run my hand over my face processing everything. "Did you find anything with the experiments they did to me?" I asked wanting to move on from my blood parents.

"Yes, it seems they were able to make a serum for shapeshifting and manipulated it with a fire element. Hints why you can use fire and your wolf turns to fire." She says.

"Okay, I am not going to even question that since HYDRA was psychotic in getting their way. I just don't really get how I can grow to be 16 ft tall or any size I want. Why not just one size?" I say.

"Do not take this the wrong way, but I would have loved to have known myself how they did that. For research purposes it would be fascinating to see." She says speaking like a scientist. "I did notice because of both serums from your dads plus the shifter serum, it has slowed down your aging a lot. I don't know if you cannot age at all or if it will be slowed down. We will keep an eye on that." Shes ays.

"Knowing HYDRA they probably made it to where I won't age hoping I would be their puppet forever." I say.

"The only thing I can think of is the elements they could have put within the genetic mutation make up. Also, If you don't mind me asking, why the name Red Riding Hood?" She asked.

I leaned back against the table and pinched the bridge of my nose. "As sick and fucked up as HYDRA was, they wanted to make a dark and twisted nightmare of the nursery tale. Where the girl with red hair and in red brings the attention of men and drags them away to her cave and have her way with them. By turning to a giant wolf and eating them alive. Very very fucked up let me tell you." I say staring off blankly.

"I am sorry that happened to you. You did not deserve that." She said.

"Ehh happens I guess. Now I get to learn about this new world and try and make something of myself." I say.

"I can help with that you know." She says casually.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, I am 17 and you are physically around 18 ish so I can help you get to know about the world from another teens point of view instead of some elder." She says chuckling.

"Oh please yes. I have feared that pops is gonna try and tell me about this new aged world and go back to "when I was growing up we didn't have this around". So yea I am begging you, do not let me go through that kind of torture." I say to her.

She laughs even more which makes me want to make her laugh even more.

"You have yourself a deal" Shuri says.

"What do you want in return?" I asked.

"Nothing, just your company." She says boldly causing me to blush. She smirks seeing the affect she has on me.

I clear my throat and just nod my head looking into her eyes.

"Tonight, I am going to have the Dora Milaje take you out of the city and to a mountain sight to test out your trigger words." Shuri adds.

"Is that going to be safe? No offense but what if it doesn't work and I go crazy? A lot of people could be in danger. I am worse than my dad when those words take over." I say starting to panic.

"Raksha, I promise you, it worked. I am just double checking that way if you are ever taken away and they try using the words, it will not work. I need you to trust me. I know that may be hard right now, but please trust my abilities as a scientist that it will work." She says.

"Yeah. Yeah, sorry. I just..I will trust you." I simply say. Until it was time to go with the Dora Milaje, I was able to shower. It felt so good to shower again. After that was finished, I hung out with Shuri in her lab watching her geek out.

When it was time for my testing, Ayo came and got me. She could tell I was scared but didn't say anything. We traveled up to the mountain sight just outside of the city and they started a fire.

It wasn't much longer that Ayo began.

"враг (Enemy)

металл (metal)

сайро (cyro)

начало (beginning)

тринадцать (thirteen)

угроза (threat)

глава (head)

полный (complete)

предмет (subject)

река" (river)

While she is finishing up I feel myself fighting the memories of everything I have done. I am bawling at this point and look up at Ayo.

She smiles at me "you are free child" she says.

At her words I let out another sob and place my head against my knees. All the emotions finally come out after years of torture and being controlled. I was so wrapped up in my head, I didn't register arms wrapping around me.

I soon looked over and see Shuri sitting next to me holding me into her. I couldn't help but wrap myself in her and cry into her neck.

"Thank you so much Shuri. You have no idea how much this means to me. I owe you my life" I whisper.

"Shhh it's okay. You don't owe me anything. I am just happy you are free now." She says and places a soft kiss on the top of me head.

After sitting there a little longer, we make our way down to the palace. She shows me a room since they have decided to let me stay with them since dad isn't wake. I told them I wanted to be some kind of help so I get to start training with the Dora Milaje Monday after breakfast.

When I got myself ready for bed, I was able to relax for the first time knowing HYDRA no longer had power or control of me. And it is all thanks to Shuri.

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